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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1848

At noon...

After leaving the hospital, Tina's life gradually returned to normal tracks again.

Today, after completion of the interview, she had a simple meal with her colleagues nearby. She did not follow the car back to the TV station; rather, she went to Susan's studio, which was located in the south of the city.

The door of the office was open. Tina knocked on it and walked in with a smile. "Susan, what's up? Why did you urge me to come here hurriedly?"

As soon as Susan saw Tina coming in, she immediately stood up and picked up the coat and bag next to her. Without saying anything else, she took Tina arm and walked out directly. "Tina, let's go now! Come on... Follow me!"

In this way, Tina left the studio in a hurry without even sitting on the sofa for a while.

On the way, Tina learned from Susan that they were going to meet with Mrs. Barron.

Mrs. Barron owned the largest clothing company in the country, and she had a large number of clients. The most important client for her was Mrs. Holman, who intended to attend an internationallevel activity of the fashion industry later on.

During that activity, Mrs. Holman was to go up onto the stage for the prize presentation. Mrs. Barron needed to design the clothes for Mrs. Holman.

Mrs. Barron made a phone call to Susan's STS Studio and emphasized that she wanted Tina to design the clothes for Mrs. Holman.

After entering the elevator, Susan was still analyzing the situation with her. "Tina, do you know who this Mrs. Holman is? She's different from Mrs. Barron. Mrs. Barron is a successful businesswoman, but Mrs. Holman comes from an aristocratic family, and she's prestigious in the noble class!"

Tina nodded.

A look of excitement appeared on Susan's face. "Besides, the most important thing is that Mrs. Holman is a fashion columnist and blog writter in private. She's actually like a beacon light of fashion in the circle of rich and powerful families. Let's put it this way. Every time she attends any public activity, what she wears, whether it be clothes or jewelry, would soon become the new targets of ladies of the upper class!"

It could be deduced how great the influence would be if Mrs. Holman was wearing the clothes designed by Tina at that time.

"Mrs. Barron has entered into contracts with a lot of brand companies and apparel studios of different sizes, but she finally chose our studio... Tina, I feel that Mrs. Barron likes you very much!" Susan couldn't help looking at Tina emotionally when she said that.

Hearing that, Tina was amused.

Thinking of the reason, she laughed secretly.

In addition to a certain degree of recognition of her abilities, Mrs. Barron's kindness towards Tina was also based on her friendship with Wilson's mother, Meadow Yamada.

The elevator reached the destination at this time.

Tina and Susan walked out of it. A girl who looked like a secretary greeted them politely. "Miss Hall, Miss Anson, Mrs. Barron is waiting for you in the office!"

The two of them smiled. "Thank you!"

Then, they followed the secretary to Mrs. Barron's office. The secretary knocked on the door, and the three of them entered. Tina found that there was already a guest inside the office.

Tina was familiar with this guest. She was none other than Abby Amery.

Abby was dressed in a CHANEL suit of while duffel today. She looked graceful and capable, while her two slender legs were crossed. She was holding an exquisite porcelain teacup in her hand. Every movement of her was elegant and charming.

Mrs. Barron's expression was a little embarrassed as she said to the two of them, "Miss Hall, Miss Anson, sit down and let's have a talk!"

Susan frowned.

Tina nodded and sit down on the sofa together with Susan.

Looking at Abby, who was smiling all the time, Tina felt a little uncomfortable. Tina's intuition told her that something seemed to have changed.

However, there was no trace of nervousness on Tina's face, and she looked calm.

The secretary brought another two cups of black tea to Tina and Susan and placed them in front of the two of them.

After the secretary left, Mrs. Barron coughed and said in an embarrassed tone, "Well... On the phone call this morning, I told you that I wanted to designate the project of Mrs. Holman to your STS Studio. However, the brand company in which Miss Amery is the brand ambassador appears to be very interested in this project too..."

In fact, Mrs. Barron preferred Tina to all the other designers.

She wanted to designate the project to the studio of Tina and Susan, and Tina would be the designer. It was partially because Tina was supposed to be the future daughter- in- law of Meadow, her old friend.

However, some other shareholders of Mrs. Barron's company suddenly recommended Abby as the designer for Mrs. Holman.


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