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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1875

At this critical moment, Abby could not sit still and wait for the end.

She had not expected anything that ever happened today. To her great surprise, how could Miles' works be so similar to Tina's? There must be something wrong with that.

She had to make a stand, or others would believe she was the despicable copycat.

It would be a fatal blow to Abby's career as a designer.

She had to work hard to get herself out of it.

Abby, with her slightly red eyes, looked very regretful and dispirited. But what she said just now was hinting at something.

She apologized first to win some sympathy, but then she defended herself that someone deliberately sent her the works - she was undoubtedly accusing Tina.

Right after casting off the charge against her, she slandered Isla, trying to make others think that it was Tina's conspiracy.

She didn't want Tina to enjoy her success.

Abby raised her eyebrows and looked at Tina, thinking she would angrily argue with her. However, Tina just looked at her calmly and indifferently.

There was a slight smile on her lips.

Abby could not help but feel a chill run up her spine all the way to her brain.

She didn't know if she saw it wrong, but the vice president narrowed his eyes and looked more severe after hearing her words. He just said, "Well, the association will investigate this matter thoroughly. Once there is a result, we will inform you!"

Abby said, "Thank you!"

The vice president just responded faintly, and his attitude seemed to be a little indifferent.

But Abby had no time to think about it.

She had high hopes that she would win. However, in front of so many judges and members from the garment association, she made a big mistake. So, without hesitation, she packed up her things and left quietly with her assistant, trying not to draw anyone's attention.

On the side of the road, a car of the Amery family was waiting for her.

Abby's face was still pale when she got into the car.

Her mind was still buzzing. This time, she failed. How could she report the result to the headquarters of her company?

At this time, Silvia, her assistant, who had been so nervous all the time, saw something on the phone. Her eyes widened, and she stammered in panic, "Director, bad news! See the news..."

Abby frowned. "What's wrong?"

Silvia handed over the phone, her hands trembling. "The news exposed an anonymous report sent to the garment association. It says that you have been secretly raising a design team. All your previous works were not designed by you, including the works in this contest..."

Her words came like a thunderbolt to Abby.

When she saw the news from Silvia's mobile phone, his eyes were full of horror.

At this time, she suddenly understood what was going on with her works for the contest, but it was too late.

Abby had been working hard since she was a child, but she was not talented in fashion design. The main reason she chose to be a clothing designer was to please Lin. By doing so, she thought she could win her favor. Meanwhile, it could promote her status as a dignified lady from the prominent Amery family.

Over the years, she had taken lots of design works from those designers she secretly hired as hers. In this way, she gained higher popularity and status, but now her secret was brought into daylight...


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