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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 1954

The groom and the bride helped each other to wear the rings. While they were kissing, each guest released the yellow balloon tied to their chairs.

The last section of the wedding ceremony was the bride throwing away the flowers in her hand.

Tina turned around and winked at Malee, who had already stepped off the wedding stage.

Tina wanted Malee to be the first one to seize the flowers.

Malee felt a little helpless, yet she smiled.

This was the most bustling section of the wedding ceremony. Many unmarried men and women crowded in.

Malee originally didn't intend to participate in it. She stepped back, but as there were too many people around, she was pushed ahead by somebody and, before she could react, she was already in the middle of the crowd.

Malee felt even more helpless.

As the wedding host started to count down from three to one, Tina threw the bunch of flowers backward high.

Malee had no intention of seizing the flowers. She simply didn't need it.

She was different from the others who were eager to have a try. She just stood there without even raising her hand.

However, when the bunch of flowers flew over from the sky, all those who were surrounding Malee suddenly left one after another. Malee was the only person who stood there still.

As a result, Malee watched helplessly that the flowers fell down to the ground near her feet.

She was dumbfounded immediately.

Just as Malee hesitated whether she should pick it up or not, a big hand with clear joints appeared in her sight. The flowers were picked up by a man.

Malee followed the man's arm and looked up. She then caught sight of the handsome face of a young man.

She was startled. "Hayden, you..."

Her voice halted abruptly.

Malee's eyes widened in bewilderment. With the bunch of flowers in his hand, Hayden had knelt down on one knee in front of her.

He then took out a ring with six-sided diamond and asked, "Malee, are you willing to marry me?"

Malee was stunned. She felt as if she was in a dream.

A short while ago, when Malee was still in the bride's lounge, Hayden had said that he was going to marry her. Malee simply took it as a joke.

But now, Malee felt as if her world had been totally shaken by Hayden's acts.

Before Malee could answer him, Hay den directly picked up her hand and put the diamond ring on her ring finger.

Tears rolled down Malee's cheeks, and she would always remember this moving scene throughout her life.

Nothing could be seen except for the outline of Hayden's figure. Malee sobbed because she was deeply touched.

Tina and Wilson looked at this scene with smiles. Then, they looked at each other and felt very satisfied.

After this flowers-throwing section, the guests were taking photos with the newlyweds.

The atmosphere on the scene was romantic and sweet.

Amin touched the plastic green leaves embedded on the chair, and then his lips twitched a little.

He couldn't help remembering the fake wedding ceremony he and Tina held before.

It was outsourced to a wedding company. Both Amin and Tina were just acting their roles all the time, and they could only feel the numbness of a fake love relationship.

Sure enough, a marriage that was based on the true love between a man and a woman was completely different.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, a buffet would be held in the forest nearby. Amin was about to go over there.

Halfway through, a girl suddenly ran up to Amin and said, "Hello!"

Amin looked at the girl. She was wearing a white dress, and her eyes were bright. She looked very young and energetic, as if she had not graduated from college yet. Her expression was relatively immatured and innocent.

The girl smiled timidly at Amin and asked cautiously, "May I have your WeChat or mobile phone number?"

After all, Amin was a mature man. He knew at a glance that he was admired by that girl. Amin asked directly, "Do you want to become my girlfriend someday?"

The girl looked nervous and flustered, because Amin had indeed pointed out the truth.

But she still mustered up her courage to ask, "... Is that okay?"

Amin smiled like a gentleman, but there was no light in his eyes. "Sorry... I have already fallen in love with someone."

The girl whom Amin used to love had passed away, while the girl Amin was loving now had become another man's wife.

Throughout his life, Amin had been trying to find a soulmate, yet his efforts turned out to be in vain.


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