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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 324

"Mr. Hogg, here's the thing!" From the other end of the line, he continued, "You have a black card that hasn't been used in over four years, but this morning, a purchase was made at the mall! We are committed to customer service and protecting the interests of our customers, so I would like to confirm that you are the one who made the purchase, and if not, has your card been lost or stolen?"

After the call, Charlie put away the phone in his hand.

Pointing his abdomen to the screen, he pondered over the content of the call he just had.

With his heels on the ground, his high back chair facing the floor-to-ceiling window, a large amount of sunlight shone into his eyes and he had to narrow his eyes, and he looked like he had a lot of unanswered questions.

After a moment of silence, Charlie turned back and picked up his phone again.

When he found a number to dial, he asked in a low voice, "Where are you?"

"I'm at home..."

In the apartment building, Wendy looked blankly at the phone that had been hung up.

Because there was an interview in the afternoon, after shopping and eating with Larry, Uncle Lee took Larry home. She took her computer and just entered the door. She had just walked in the door with her laptop, and had just finished talking to Emily on the phone! Emily said that she had to meet her friend and would come back late.

Before she put down her phone, Charlie's call came in.

There wasn't even a hello, and he asked her where she was. When she answered him, he hung up without saying goodbye, which was very inexplicable.

After pursing her lips for a long time, she threw her phone on the sofa, went to the kitchen, and looked through the refrigerator to see what she was going to eat at night.

She took out two eggs and some rice left over from the night, which could be used to cook egg fried rice.

After she finished stirring the egg liquid and chopping the shallots, she turned on the stove and put the pan on top of it. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Wendy quickly turned off the fire and ran to the door.

She leaned over the peephole and saw Charlie's firm face. She frowned slightly and didn't know why he was here. She counted the time. If she didn't guess wrong, he should have driven over after hanging up the phone.

"Open the door!"

As if knowing that she was inside, a calm voice came.

Wendy paused for a while and opened the door from the inside. "Well, Charlie, you come..."

Before she finished her words, Charlie had already strode in with his long legs, directly took off his leather shoes, and walked inside barefoot. After entering the living room, he did not sit down but turned back without warning.

Wendy followed him and almost bumped into him.

He did not tie his tie and unbuttoned two buttons on the collar of his shirt. When she looked up, her eyes were fixed on his Adam's apple.

"... What are you doing here?" She asked, pursing her lips.

Charlie put his hands in his trouser pocket and said in a casual tone, "Aunt Lee told me that you went shopping with Larry today?"

"Yes." Wendy nodded.

She still did not understand why he was here. From the way he had just entered the room, it was obvious that he had come for something important.

Charlie raised his eyebrows slightly and looked down at her. He pulled his lips and continued, "About an hour ago, I received a call from the bank saying that someone had swiped my black card."

"Is that so..." Wendy's heart skipped a beat.

"Wendy, I'm very confused. How did you get my black card?" Charlie took out a hand from his trouser pocket and rubbed his chin, looking troubled just as he had said. She had no choice but to swipe the card because the amount was more than she expected at the time. She did not expect him to know about it.

Just now, she even thought that he would not know it was her. But when she heard his question, she knew that she couldn't avoid it, so she began to sweat nervously.

His deep and penetrating eyes were staring at her sharply, and the back of her spine was tense.

Biting her lips, Wendy prevaricated. "Uh, I found it..."

"You picked it up?" Charlie narrowed his eyes.


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