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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 412

In the long corridor outside the operating room.

At this time, it was deep in the night. The light hitting the wall refracted a ghastly white light. Wendy leaned back against the wall, and her eyes were constantly staring at the words marked on the door, "operating room, no entry".

In the warehouse, the police in uniforms came in one after another and ran to catch the escaped hooligans.

Charlie, who was in her arms, suddenly narrowed his eyes after saying those words. Blood oozed from the corner of his mouth, and then he slowly closed his eyes.

Wendy accompanied him to the ambulance. Along the way, she watched as the two doctors scrambled to give him first aid.

After arriving at the hospital, he was pushed directly into the operating room.

The 60th, 90th ribs fractured and massive internal bleeding compressed the chest cavity...

Wendy trembled and closed her eyes.

Don't be afraid...

His hoarse voice was still ringing in her ears.

At that time, he was covered in blood, and even breathing was difficult, but he told her like this.

Wendy kept repeating these two words in her heart, telling herself not to be afraid, he'll be fine, he'll be fine!

After Kim arranged the people in the police station, he also walked back to the operating room. He saw that she was also covered with a lot of blood. But when he looked carefully, he found a clear bloodstain on the right side of her neck.

"Miss Lim, you're injured too!"

Upon hearing that, Wendy raised her hand and touched her neck.

At that time, she thought that Charlie was dead, so she rushed over regardless of danger. Although the short man's attention was diverted at the time, the blade still cut into her skin. In the ambulance, the whole time she had her head down and nervous about Charlie, simply could not care about other things...

Kim saw that the bleeding didn't stop. He couldn't help but continue, "The wound seems to be quite deep. Don't make it more serious. Go and deal with it!"

"No, I'm fine!" Wendy shook her head and insisted, "I'm going to stay here with him!"

Seeing this, Kim did not try to persuade her further. Instead, he called the nurse to come over and deal with her wound.

"Thank you..." Wendy said gratefully.

"Don't!" Kim waved his hand and added, "I have already told the police, they'll ask you over after Charlie's surgery is over!"

Wendy nodded and opened her mouth to say thank you, but she swallowed her words again at the thought of what he had just said.

Because it was a knife wound, cleaning the wound will be somewhat painful, the young nurse was afraid that she will be in pain, and specially instructed her to bear it, but she did not have any reaction throughout, still just staring at the operating room.

After the wound was bandaged, the nurse said a few words about the precautions and left with the first aid kit.

Then, a middle-aged man's voice sounded.

"Brother Lu!"

Wendy looked over and saw Gilbert, who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, coming over in a hurry. He didn't tie the two buttons on his neckline. There was an anxious expression on his usually serious face at this time, and his wife Ella was following him.

Kim stood up and walked up to him. "Brother Hogg!"


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