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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 429

"Still alive..." Wendy swallowed her saliva.

In addition to deliberately trying to tease her, Charlie did so to get her out of the shadow of being kidnapped quickly.

Although the two had talked about it in the dead of night and he had also comforted her, he was still worried in his heart. In this way, he wanted her to forget the bad things that had happened before.

How could Wendy not know what he was thinking? She wanted to ease the tension and asked, "How about I also enroll in a taekwondo class?"

Every week, she would take Larry to the taekwondo class.

Wendy saw Charlie reveal a pensive expression and seem to consider what she said, so she hurriedly said, "I'm just kidding!"

Larry took the taekwondo class to build his body, but she had no interest in any of those things at all. If she fell a few times, her bones would definitely shatter.

"Why are you here? Where's Uncle Lee? You let him go back?" Wendy couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I just finished a meeting. I have nothing else to do, so I came out of the company in advance." Charlie pulled his lips and answered her. He took a step forward and his strong body approached her closer, then deliberately said in a mischievous tone, "Do you think it's better for me to rob you for money or sex?"

Wendy blinked her eyes, playing along with his evil taste. "My money is in my bag, and sex, we'll talk about it when we get home!"

Charlie laughed in a low voice after hearing what she said. Then he took her shoulder and walked out of the apartment building quickly.

After the Land Rover stopped in the courtyard, Aunt Lee was watering flowers in front of the door, where green branches and leaves were blooming from the pots.

Wendy was led by Charlie to come over and asked, "Aunt Lee, is Larry back?"

"Not yet. Donna called and said that she would take the young master back after dinner!" Aunt Lee replied.

"Oh, so that's it!" Wendy nodded. It was understandable.

When she saw Aunt Lee looking back at the villa, she asked again, "Aunt Lee, what's wrong?"

"We have a guest at home!" Aunt Lee reported in a hurry.

"A guest?" Wendy was shocked.

"Yes!" Aunt Lee nodded, looked at Charlie next to her, and continued with hesitation, "It's for Miss, Miss Lim, it's a man!"

Wendy was stunned by Aunt Lee's words.

She subconsciously looked at Charlie, his face darkened a little. "Let's go in and have a look!"


Wendy did not dare to say much and followed Charlie obediently.

However, she still had doubts in her heart. Although she's so growing up, it can be said that she had few friends of the opposite sex, which could be counted by her fingers, and she really didn't know who would come for her.

Was it Ryan, or Felix?

But it's unlikely to be them...

Wendy changed her slippers and entered the house, and the two of them directly headed in the direction of the living room. When she clearly saw the face of the man sitting on the couch, she was extremely surprised. She extended her hand and pointed at the man as she asked in a surprised voice, "Ewan Shaw?"

"It's me." Ewan stood up from the couch.

"Oh my god, it's really you!" Wendy took back her fingers and covered her mouth.

Just that moment, she almost thought she was mistaken, that man really was Ewan who had disappeared for a long time!

"Wendy, long time no see!" Ewan smiled slightly at her, and then turned his eyes to Charlie next to her and said, "Charlie."

Charlie nodded his head as a response.

After sitting down again, Aunt Lee brought two cups of tea. Wendy looked at Ewan, who was sitting opposite her. He was wearing a black suit without a tie, but the buttons of his shirt were neatly buttoned. Unlike the playboy four years ago, he did not look like a ruffian anymore. Instead, he looked more mature.


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