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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 458

In the VIP lounge of the racecourse.

A special medical worker came to help treat Wendy's injury. Fortunately, her injury was not very serious, but her clothes were thin and her skin was almost all scuffed up. In particular, her forehead was injured and bleeding, and her left wrist was sprained.

But it was already a great fortune ...

After dealing with the injury, Wendy came out from the inner room.

This time, Mr. Wallace did not break his promise and ended the negotiation as agreed. He also dismissed the two fierce-looking bodyguards, leaving only his grandson in the room, and left her some time.

Francis handed her a cup of tea. "Miss Lim, have a cup of hot tea!"

"Thank you ... " Wendy expressed her gratitude.

The crutch in Mr. Wallace's hand stood on the side of the fence. At this time, he was also holding a teacup in his hand. The white smoke was curling up, and his old but bright eyes looked straight at her. "Little girl, you won the game with your life and I won't go back on my word. Tell me why you came here!"

Hearing Mr. Wallace call her little girl, Wendy felt a little embarrassed. Although he's old enough to call her like that, she's not little anymore ...

Wendy's face turned serious, then said in a deep voice, "Mr. Wallace, I hope you can withdraw your case!"

"Why should I do that?" Chase retorted.

" ... " Wendy pursed her lips.

She was stumped by such a straightforward question because she could not answer it. He indeed had lost a huge amount of money, and filed a lawsuit was a normal act of defending his rights and interests. There was indeed no reason to withdraw the case, anyway, he was not a saint.

Wendy gritted her teeth and said firmly, "Charlie was wronged!"

After hearing this, Mr. Wallace was unmoved. He sipped the tea and said slowly, "Really? It's a pity that I don't think so. To say the least, if he is really wronged, then you don't have to worry, and you don't have to come here to me!"

"... " Wendy remained silent.

Mr. Wallace put down the teacup in his hand and looked at her with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

It seemed that until now he still did not believe that such a soft and weak little girl in front of him dared to do bungee jumping under the premise of fear of heights, and do such a desperate act while horse racing. If she was not lucky today, she might have fallen and become disabled, or even died here.

But when he walked towards her, she didn't even think about those things. All she wanted was to get a plea for her man.

"Little girl, I understand how you feel, and I also admire your courage!" Mr. Wallace crossed his hands in front of his chest and said slowly, "Although I know that the Hogg family is very influential in Ice City, the law does not tolerate mercy. I suggest that instead of wasting your time with me, you hire him a good lawyer. At least when the court trial results come down, it will help him get a little better result!"

Wendy curled up her fingers, and her nails were all inserted into her palms.

"Mr. Wallace, Charlie was really wronged!" She bit her lips. It seemed that she was lack of words and could only emphasize this sentence. She looked down and the light from the diamond ring reflected in her eyes. "I don't want to hide it from you. In fact, Charlie's father, Chairman Hogg, always opposed to my marriage with him. The daughter-in-law chosen by Chairman Hogg has never been me, and Chairman Hogg would never agree him to marry


me ...


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