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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 495

The pen in Charlie's hand paused for a second.

He looked up and saw Tilly, who was standing in front of the desk and looking at him with a smile. Today, she changed her clothes, no punk makeup, and wore a plain dress. It was quite different from the one at the banquet that day. Her hair was neatly hanging behind her head, which made her look like a simple pretty girl.

Charlie frowned and said unhappily, "How did you get in here?"

"You asked me to come in!" Tilly shrugged her shoulders and avoided his question.

"I'm asking who let you in!" Charlie swung the pen and knocked on the table.

Tilly sat down on the opposite chair and began to complain, "Hum, your staff here are so annoying. They're unreasonable, they wouldn't let me in because I didn't have an appointment! But I'm smarter than them. It's easy for me to get into a group of clients and get in here! Charlie, I'm smart, right?"

At the end of her words, Tilly's face was full of smugness.

Charlie narrowed his eyes and had already figured a way to solve this loophole. Now that Tilly had come, he leaned back in his chair and asked lightly, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you!" Tilly smiled with her big eyes opened wide.

Charlie pretended not to understand. He said calmly, "Now that you've seen me."

Tilly immediately became unhappy and pouted. "What? I've been waiting for a long time downstairs before I came up! Charlie, we haven't seen each other for seven years. Don't kick me out!"

"Charlie, today is my birthday. Aren't you going to say happy birthday to me?" Tilly immediately added.

"Happy birthday.” Charlie's tone was indifferent and somewhat perfunctory.

"Thank you!" Tilly was very happy after hearing that. There was even a little shyness and sweetness in her face. She then magically took out a box she brought and put it on the desk.

After opening it, there was a beautiful fruit cake inside.

Tilly unpacked the knife, fork, and plate and then specially cut a large piece. She handed it to Charlie with both hands and said, "Hey, this is the cake made by myself this morning. Try it!"

"I don't like sweet." Charlie didn't take it.

"Just one piece. It's my birthday cake, and I wanted to share it with you. I'm the birthday girl, please do as I say!" Charlie still didn't move and Tilly deliberately grumbled. "When I talked to my mother on the phone yesterday, I said that I've already seen you. And she asked me to go to the cemetery to send a bunch of flowers to your mother!"

Charlie pursed his thin lips when he heard that.

Tilly's mother, Kim's only sister, Jazmin Gray, used to go to the same college with Charlie's mother when they were young. However, his mother died of a hemorrhage while giving birth to him, so he naturally had no contact with Jazmin.

Although Jazmin had lived in the UK for so many years, she had never forgotten her schoolmate. Every year on the day of Charlie's mother's death, she would send people to visit and send flowers. This was also the reason why Charlie did not ask someone to get Tilly out immediately. It was not just because she was Madge's cousin.

Charlie frowned, picked up the fork reluctantly and said, "For your mother's sake."

He was perfunctory, so he just forked a piece into his mouth and then put it down.


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