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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 52

It seemed that Charlie Hogg had never been to a place like here.

He was in a hand-made suit, and he should be in a supermarket where sold imported goods. However, he appeared in such a crowded and noisy place, which was a sharp contrast to him.

Wendy Lim noticed that he frowned when he entered, but he didn't say anything. He didn't show any complaints or dislikes. He took her hand and walked calmly.

He was holding her hand tightly all the way.

She was protected behind him. He seemed to cooperate with her paces, so he slowed down deliberately.

It had been a long time since someone protected her like this...

They picked a new and less crowded stall. Wendy Lim selected ingredients according to what she wanted to cook later.

She was good at selecting ingredients. When she was a little girl, she often went to the market at the entrance of an alley with her grandmother to buy vegetables in the morning. She knew how to find the best vegetables and meat.

When she put the selected vegetables into a plastic bag and stood up, she found that Charlie Hogg's eyes were locked on her face. She looked away shyly and said, "Well, let's buy these first! The water spinach was not very good. We can buy some from other stalls..."

Charlie Hogg took over the plastic bag and handed it to the peddler.

“14.8 dollars in total!"

He took out a hundred bills from his wallet, but the peddler did not take it over. "Sir, do you have any change?"

Charlie Hogg frowned and looked at the bills in his wallet. No change there.

"I'll pay!" Wendy Lim lowered her head and rummaged her bag.

"No!" Charlie Hogg grabbed her hand and frowned deeper. He handed over the one hundred bill to the peddler and said with a persistent attitude, "I don’t have any change."

The peddler had no choice but to take the bill and give him back a pile of change.

When they about to leave, Wendy Lim noticed that there was a post standing beside a yogurt stall. She asked Charlie Hogg to wait for a moment and walked over.

When she came back with her mobile phone, Charlie Hogg asked with a gloomy look, "What did you talking about with the man who sells yogurt? And why do you laugh?"

"I didn't..." Wendy Lim looked confused.

"Did you add him to your WeChat?" Charlie Hogg narrowed his eyes. Wendy Lim was speechless. She raised the yogurt in her hand and explained, "I scanned the QR code so I could get a yogurt for free..."

Charlie Hogg's expression released, but the corners of his mouth were still tight.

"Don't flirt with other men in the future!"

"..." A male chauvinist.

"You are not allowed to give your contacts to other men casually either!"

"..." Mansplaining.

Charlie Hogg took her hand again and squeezed it tightly, "Are you bad-mouthing me in your mind?"

"Ahem!" Wendy Lim shook her head in a hurry and smiled awkwardly, "No..."

Why did this man always know what she was thinking?

Wendy Lim felt a cold spreading alone her spine and changed the topic, "There was seafood selling in the front. Do you want to buy some braised shrimps?"

When they arrived at the seafood stall, she took the clip and selected shrimps carefully.

"Could you please give me a better price?"

"Lady, thirty-nine, it’s not expensive. All alive!"

"Thirty-five, ok?"

"Sorry, I'll lose the money at this price!"

Wendy Lim pretended to put the shrimps back, "They’re dying, and they're so many stalls that sell seafood. Then I'll go somewhere else to have a "Wait a moment!" Seeing that she was leaving, the peddler hurriedly stopped her and compromised, "Ok lady, you have selected for a long time. I'll come down for three dollars. Thirty-six!"

"All right!" Wendy Lim reluctantly nodded.

When the peddler turned around to weigh the shrimps, she showed a triumphant smile and raised her eyebrows to the man next to her.

Charlie Hogg swallowed.

The peddler handed the change to Charlie Hogg and said with a smile, "Sir, you're really lucky to have a good wife!"


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