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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 537

After Bonnie said that, she pulled away Connie, who was still hiding behind the pillar.

They also went out to the bathroom, but it was an excuse. Right after Wendy got up and left the box, Charlie followed out, holding his mobile phone. When Charlie saw them, she dragged out Bonnie, who focused on eating.

It was the first time that they followed others to find out a secret, which was a dishonorable thing.

This time, they saw Wendy and Mr. Hogg clearly. Mr. Hogg dragged Wendy into an empty box, and they had stayed in it for as long as 10 minutes! When Wendy came out, she was adjusting her collar, and her lipstick was gone...

A long time after Bonnie said that, Connie finally nodded and said, "Bonnie, they're Wendy and Mr. Hogg, aren't they?"

"Yes." Bonnie nodded seriously.

"Do you think we're oversensitive? We must have got it all wrong. Maybe, they're just... just..." Connie could not finish his sentence because she failed to find any credible excuses forthem.

After all, she and Bonnie saw it with their own eyes. A man and a woman stayed in a private space and locked the door! What else could they do there except making some intimate touches? This idea just came to their minds.

"Bonnie, how could this be true? Was there something wrong with my eyes? How could Wendy do this? She's pregnant and has a fiance. How can she hook up with Mr. Hogg? Indeed, it's impossible to judge a person's heart from the face. What a shocking piece of news! It's a bit hard to swallow!" Connie's face was full of bitterness. It was obvious that she really couldn't accept it.

"But I don't think Wendy is that kind of person!" Bonnie thought for a moment, shook her head firmly, and said seriously, "Although she was a newcomer and has just been working with us for a short period, I believe she won't cheat on her husband. You know, mother's love is great. She is pregnant and has talked to us about her baby and fiance many times. Anyway, I believe she is a decent woman!"

After all, Bonnie was older and had met more people than Connie, so she believed that her judgment about Wendy would not be wrong.

"Then did Mr. Hogg forced her to be with him?" Connie asked immediately.

Bonnie frowned and analyzed thoughtfully. "You saw them in our company's bathroom, right? It was Mr. Hogg who dragged her into it, wasn't it?"

"Yes, yes! It was the same just now. Sister Wendy looked very reluctant!" Connie repeatedly nodded in agreement.

Just now, they were far away from Mr. Hogg and Wendy. From behind, they saw Mr. Hogg try several times to take Wendy's hand, but she jerked out of the way. Later on, he put his arm around her shoulder and got her into that box. Sure enough, Wendy was reluctant to stay with him.

"Sister Wendy and her fiance is a nice couple. Before dinner, we had a little chat in the office. She said firmly that her fiance was as handsome as Mr. Hogg!"

Well, though love is blind, Wendy answered earnestly after thinking it over carefully, which meant that it was what she had in mind.

Connie didn't understand. "But why? Why would Mr. Hogg pester her? In Ice city, women are vying to sleep with him, but he chose none of them. Could it be that he only likes pregnant women?"

"That's hard to say..." Bonnie could not come to a conclusion.

"It must be like this! Mr. Hogg takes a fancy to Sister Wendy and wants to make use of his position and power to force her to be with him!" Connie jumped to the conclusion. She stomped indignantly and said, "Oh my god! I didn't expect Mr. Hogg to be so nasty! You know what, I've always treated him as my idol, thinking that he's prince charming! What the hell! He's gone too far. We're so unlucky as to have witnessed workplace sexual harassment!"

Upon hearing her words, Bonnie appeared much more severe. At a loss, she asked, "What should we do? Should we give her a friendly reminder or pretend that we know nothing?"

"Sister Wendy is a victim..." Connie pondered for a while with a straight face and asked hesitantly, "Bonnie, why don't we talk to Mr. Hogg directly?"

After Wendy came back to the box, Charlie walked in too.


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