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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 565

When Wendy put her hand down, she felt a sharp pain and could not help gasping.

"Don't move, or your wound will ache!" Tilly hurried forward and gently rolled up her sleeve. "When you fell, you protected your belly with your arm and leg. See? You bruised them. Besides, your elbow has swollen. Some medicinal lotion has been applied to them. It will take about two or three days to subside!"

Wendy looked down and saw a large livid red bruise on her left arm. It must have been caused when she grabbed the armrest to stabilize her body when she fell down. When she woke up, all she thought about was the baby's safety, so she did not notice the pain. After she had confirmed that her baby was fine, she finally felt the pain.

Tilly helped her sit up and considerably put a pillow on her back. Then she pulled the chair to sit next to her and said, "Wendy, I was scared to death when I knew that you fell down from the stairs!"

Wendy smiled understandingly because she was also greatly frightened.

The accident happened so fast that she could only protect her baby by instinct. She shook her hand gently and comforted her. "Fortunately, I'm fine now..."

"Right!" Tilly nodded and then scolded in a bad mood, "I don't know how the clumsy maid could accidentally bump into you! It was like-weird. Know what I mean? I suspect that she did it on purpose! Luckily, you reacted fast enough; otherwise, you would have rolled down the stairs and have lost your baby! It's very scary only to think of it!"

"I believe that the maid didn't mean to harm me." Wendy frowned and said.

She was as angry as Tilly, but the panic look on the maid's face was real. Especially after seeing her fall, her eyes were filled with tension and self-blame-she seemed to want to slap herself!

It was just that...

Wendy suddenly narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "However, I don't know if there was someone else who meant to harm me..."

"Wendy, what do you mean?" Tilly was stunned.

"At that time, in addition to that maid, Madge was also there!"

Tilly could not help but open her mouth in shock. "You mean..."

"I suspect it's her!" Wendy pointed out bluntly.

When the incident happened, Madge was walking came over to her and the maid. Wendy looked back when she fell down, so she knew that Madge was less likely to do any harm. After all, she was some distance away behind the maid.

However, Wendy believed that the maid was innocent because her almost instantaneous panic reaction could not be faked. The maid had got out of the way, so how could she suddenly hit her? There was only one possibility, which was what Madge had done something secretly. Although Wendy found no evidence, she was absolutely sure about that.

Hearing Wendy's words, Tilly suddenly got into a rage and jumped up. "There's no need to think about it. It must be her-she was used to doing such hideous things! I'm a hundred percent sure that she was behind the incident about the rat poison and made me the scapegoat. You know, because of that, my grandfather is still very angry about me!" She stamped her feet in anger and continued, "That pisses me off! How can I let her pay for what she has done!"

Wendy, pursing her lips in silence, suddenly said, "In fact... I have an idea."

"Say it!" Tilly was cheered up.

They whispered to each other for a long time. Then Wendy thought of something and asked hesitantly, "Um, Tilly, are you sure you want to help me? Madge is your cousin, after all..."

"So what? You are my cousin and best friend!" Tilly said, excitedly raising her chin.


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