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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 590

After Wendy had finished taking photos with relatives and friends, she could finally take a rest. In the crowd, she looked around.

Tilly was still upset because she failed to grab the bride's lucky bouquet. Her face full of anger looked cute, and Francis, who was standing next to her, was amused and tried to comfort her. However, she just could not cheer up.

Francis leaned down to her and whispered something in her ear, and Tilly suddenly smiled brilliantly. She looked around. After making sure that no one was looking at them, she kissed his face by surprise. Francis was startled. Then Francis bowed his head to see Tilly while the latter looked away. Both of them flushed.

On the other side, Connie, Wendy's bridesmaid today, was together with Farr, the groomsman! They looked thrilled — they were talking animately about some fascinating topics.

As they looked into each other's eyes, both of them smiled, a little coyly.

Seeing such a romantic scene, Wendy also smiled!

Then she looked away and found that Emily was standing there alone, looking down at the flowers in her hands in a daze.

With one of her hands against her side, Wendy lifted her wedding dress and walked over. She blinked her eyes playfully and said, "Emily, the wedding bouquet went directly to you, and so many girls here failed to take it! It means something great will happen to you!"

"Yeah," Emily smiled and shook the banquet in her hand. "It's true."

"Eh?" Wendy could not figure out what she meant.

Emily looked at her and suddenly said, "Wendy, I'm getting married!"

"Getting married? With..." Wendy was utterly stunned.

Before she mentioned Dr. Chin, Emily had already said with a smile, "I met someone in S Country. Last time, when I had the FaceTime video with you, didn't I say that I wanted to introduce a person to you? Later, I was too busy to introduce him, but it doesn't matter. Remember to participate in my wedding with Mr. Hogg!"

"..." Wendy looked at her incredulously, as if wondering if she were joking.

Emily raised her hand and waved it in front of her eyes. Then she laughed and said, "Wendy, why are you staring at me like this? Aren't you happy that I'll be married?"

Wendy certainly felt happy for her, but...

At this time, Tilly ran over and called away Emily. Both of them were Wendy's bridesmaids, but Wendy did not know what kind of mysterious thing she was up to. Thus, she could only stand there, blankly watching her best friends leaving.

"What's wrong?"

A calm voice came from behind her, and she turned back.

Charlie, who looked dignified and charming in his black suit, walked to her, and Simon followed after him. Wendy could not help but take a step forward and said, "Dr. Chin, do you know that Emily is going to get married?"

"Uhm." Simon answered with a low voice.

His amorous eyes moved slightly, and his gaze fell on a beautiful figure in the crowd in the distance. But since Emily was far from them, he could not see her expression.

Hearing this, Charlie was also surprised. He patted his friend on the shoulder and said, "Simon..."

Simon seemed to have just come to his senses and smiled lightly. He then looked away, and his eyes never rested on anyone again.

A large group of people related to the wedding moved from the church to the hotel downtown, and there was a wedding banquet to entertain guests in the evening.


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