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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 603

As winter came knocking on their doors, the faint whiff of the new year could already be detected around the corner.

Snow came and fell like a curtain fall between acts, ushering the new year, and the Hoggs and Lims chose an auspicious date for the wedding to be held at a luxurious starrated hotel.

After the sudden absence of the groom in the last ceremony that caused the wedding to be called off, many among the guests stepped into a rabbit hole of gossip and speculation about what really happened. Some knew the truth, but most did not. At least now, everyone would get a satisfactory conclusion now.

Even after almost a half-year's worth of delay, still, the ceremony rounded up a sizable crowd contributing to a lively atmosphere at the banquet.

Wendy had almost fully slimmed down after giving birth. In her red slim-cut cheongsam, she stood with a sleek, dark suit- donned Charlie at the doors to the hall, greeting every guest who came to celebrate their union.

The host quickly drifted through the itinerary and the ceremony came to the moment where the couple would toast the guests in appreciation for their attendance.

Finally, when the bride and groom arrived at their table, Ewan sprang to his feet, clutching his glass, "A hearty congratulation, Bro!"

The two glasses clicked, and both men downed their contents in one gulp.

"Ewan," Charlie, his lips twitching at Gilbert who evidently can't hide the joy showing on his usually pensive and deadpan face, "I spoke to Father. You should officially be a member of this family come the new year!"

Gilbert Hogg might have taken in a second wife with little to no fanfare following the demise of his first wife, but Ewan's identity as an illegitimate son was still an awkward predicament for him.

Ewan had been named after his mother Ella's surname when Ella had asked for someone's help to help fill in the papers. That he was finally accepted into the family filled both Ewan and Ella with happiness, especially for the former, whose voice quivered when he said, "Thank you so much, Brother!"

Charlie wagged a finger using the hand still gripping his glass and gestured that he didn't need to.

The merry and lively banquet ultimately came to an end with the guests filing out, pleased and satisfied, and slightly stoned. Charlie might have gone to each table to share a toast with the guests, but he did not actually drink much. Most of the heavy lifting was actually done by Farr who had been his best man that night.

Farr was already wobbling slightly by the end of the first round of toasting that he depended on Connie who had been serving as a bridesmaid to keep him steady.

Just after the final guests had taken their leaves, Wendy found Farr with a distant and dazed look in his eyes, practically holding on to Connie for dear life in his drunken stupor.

Feeling pity for him, she said, "Chiang had drunk too much, I'm afraid. Look at how worried Connie is. We should not have allowed him to drink so much just now."

"You know nothing, this is a chance for Farr," Charlie grinned nonchalantly.

Wendy stared at him, stunned, before she finally understood the look in his eyes. Biting her lip, she scowled, "Honey, you are so bad!"

They saw off the guests and Charlie took her hand, but instead of leaving the hotel lobby, he turned and entered the elevator.

The red numerals in the LED display denoted the elevator rising up. They were heading for the guest suites upstairs. They shuffled to a door where he slipped out a card from his pocket which he waved at the door lock, which yielded dutifully with a beep. Confused, she asked, "Urm, are we staying here tonight?"

"Nope," said Charlie simply, "I've already asked the hotel to arrange for rooms."

She spied his brows furrowing impishly and immediately caught his gist.

They stepped into the room to find the room decorated exactly like the bridal room they had the last time. Lavish red bedding with bedecked with the confetti of crimson rose petals scattered all around to build a cheery and romantic atmosphere.

"But Leilani..." Wendy stammered with a frown, her face flushed red at the sight of the rose petals.

Charlie took her inside and said deeply, "Don't worry. You've saved her some food, didn't you? I'd even told Aunt Lee to take good care of her tonight."

"All right..." Wendy nodded shyly.


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