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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 605

"Pervert! Pervert!"

Tilly was still screaming when she dove out of the elevator that she bumped into a pair of strangers on her way out in her horror, the image of the man naked in only his underwear emblazoned in her mind.

In the midst of her frantic anxiety as her cheeks burned red, the sorrow that Charlie had brought upon her vanished from her mind momentarily.

Since her graduation from high school, Tilly and her mother Jazmin immigrated to the UK for her studies. She lived there all these years, exposed to the more- open Western culture there. Although she had met her fair share of courteous gentlemen in her life abroad, but she had encountered more sleazy and distasteful men, which one could easily find stripping themselves in the open during rave parties, that she would like to admit more open and she grew accustomed to seeing Western men only in their knickers.

Even so, the scene just now left her flustered beyond comprehension.

As if she had been bewitched, her mind never stopped drifting with the images of Francis rising from his bed. The inverted triangular masculinity of his body - his wide frame and shoulders complementing his slender waist -and his well-tanned copper-brown skin and the faint outline of his manhood covered only by thinly-layered fabric of his boxers burned fresh in her brain.

Em... Quite big... she had to admit.

Despite the usual comparison between the sizes of endowments of men from varying ethnicities, Tilly found him adequate, to say the least.

Then she realized how her mind had been straying and she scowled at herself again, blushing, "What a bully!"

But she could not tell whether was she scowling to herself or at him.

Fate really is magical; in just one day, Tilly once again encountered Francis one more time.

Since her return from abroad, she was left somewhat frustrated in the wake of her failure to sabotage Charlie and Wendy. More so, after the scathing warning from Charlie, she stayed at home, finding herself in a particularly low mood, and to dispel the gloom and boredom, she thought she would enjoy a walk to the nearest convenience store to buy something.

Perhaps she could emulate others in casting away the gloom by devoting some of her focus and frustration to eating.

The convenience store was only nearby, so Tilly saw no reason to dress up. Donning only her home clothes and slippers, she went straight out.

In her frenzied shopping spree, where she practically hurled every type of junk food she could find into her basket, she suddenly remembered something: she only brought her keys when she came out. She had left her purse and phone at home. So it would be impossible for her to call her aunt at home to bring her the money.

At a loss for what to do with the snacks in her shopping basket, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in her line of sight.

Tilly rolled her eyes and quickly walked over without thinking.

Raising a hand, she patted heavily on Francis's shoulder, saying, "Hey, do you still remember me?"

"Yes, I do." Francis replied, frowning at her.

How could he forget? Barely one day had passed, and his memory was still fresh with the memory of Tilly using Wendy's phone to trick him and caused the whole fracas at the hotel - something that still haunted him with guilt even now.

Tilly smiled and said, "It's good that you remember me. Please pay the bill for me!"

"Why should I?" Francis asked, his temper oddly not souring one bit at all.

"Come on, it's an emergency! I forgot my wallet and cell phone!" Tilly was also not sure that he might help her. After all, she knew what she had done to him. But she needed to try. "Don't worry. Lend me the money today and I'll return to you double or even triple next time!"

Francis spied the look of anticipation in her eyes and he peered at the shopping cart full to the gunnels in her grasp. In a stroke of generosity, he said, "Nevermind returning me the money. I'm not a loan shark. I'll pay for you when I'm done shopping too."


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