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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 607

The moment Tilly woke up and opened her eyes.

She was scared by the unfamiliar environment.

In an instant, she sat up, and the quilt slipped down. Feeling a chill, she looked at herself and found that she was naked.

Tilly felt shocked and almost jumped up. At first, she looked around calmly to make sure that she was the only one in the room. Then she turned the quilt upside down and checked over it thoroughly. Luckily, she found no suspicious bloodstains. After that, she felt relieved.

Tilly covered her head with her hands, trying hard to recall what happened last night.

Tilly began to recall everything. She went to the bar, got drunk, and went unconscious. After that, a kind-hearted man carried her out of the bar.

As for who the kind-hearted man was...

It seemed he was... Francis?

Tilly looked around the room again but found no trace of another person. She glanced at the closed door, covered herself with the quilt, and went out barefoot, for she could not find the slippers.

She pushed open the door little by little and found Francis, who was wearing thin clothes, was lying on the sofa of the suite.

The air temperature was low, so Francis crossed his arms over his chest. Because he was tall and straight, the sofa seemed a bit too small for him. As a man who was over 1.8 meters tall, he looked funny on such a small sofa.

As the morning light went through the window gauze, Tilly could see Francis's handsome face vaguely through the swaying lights. Her heart couldn't help but feel moved.

She walked over quietly and picked up the blanket on the ground. When she was about to put the blanket on Francis, he suddenly woke up. With a trace of embarrassment in his sleepy eyes, he sat up and said, "You're awake!"

Tilly nodded, "Did you bring me back from the bar?"

"Yes." Francis answered, "You were very wasted last night. And it was dangerous. After I took you away, I couldn't get your address, nor could I find any id cards in your pocket to get a room for you. I had no choice but to bring you back to my place!"

Tilly nodded and continued to ask, "Why am I naked?"

"You drank too much last night and vomited all over yourself," Francis frowned and said.

Apart from vomiting all over herself, Tilly also ruined Francis's clothes. Their clothes were all stained with vomits that they were piled up in the bathroom.

"Did you take off my clothes?" Tilly blinked her eyes with a hint of shyness in her tone.

"Yes, I did," Francis admitted with an embarrassed look. Although he had no other choice, it was improper for a man to undress a woman who was not his partner. He crossed his arms and moved his lips, trying to explain, "Last night..."

"We did not have sex last night, did we?"

Tilly hurriedly interrupted when Francis was about to explain.

Francis shook his head awkwardly, "No, we didn't."

Tilly thought for a moment and looked straight at him, "I didn't try to take off your clothes, kiss you, and touch you, did I?"

"No..." Francis said in a bashful tone, thinking of the unexpected kiss in the elevator.

"Why is your face blushed?" Tilly pointed at him.

As the morning light shone on Francis's back, his handsome face blushed and turned more and more...

Francis stood up, lost for words. He looked away and said, "Ahem, your blanket is going to drop!"

Tilly lowered her head to look and immediately cried out in embarrassment, "Ah

As the night began with the lights on, a brown A8 shuttled in the dark and finally stopped at the door of a villa.

The atmosphere in the car was silent. Francis concentrated on driving and seemed to be involuntarily thinking of something. Therefore, when Tilly suddenly called his name, he was a little startled.

"I went to the hotel to get the surveillance video and got to know what I did in the elevator..." Tilly bit her lip and said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I drank too much last night. I can't remember!"

"Ahem. It's okay!" Francis cleared his throat and shook his head.

Tilly turned her head and stared at Francis with shining eyes. She said in an earnest voice, "I've decided to be responsible for my drunken behavior. Francis, I want to be your girlfriend!"

"Ahem... what did you say?" Francis was stunned, got choked when swallowing his saliva, and coughed heavily.

Tilly looked directly into his eyes and repeated without blinking her eyes, "I said that I want to be your girlfriend. And you be my boyfriend. What do you think?"

"Don't you like Mr. Hogg?" Francis said, looking panic-stricken.

Tilly was embarrassed and replied with self-righteousness, "I don't like him now. I like you!"


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