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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 744

Just now, she could find no place to retreat.

It was Boyd who suddenly appeared pushed her away at the very urgent moment. However, he was injured as he raised his left hand to ward off the large iron sheet for her. Without his help, she might be seriously wounded now and find it hard to speak.

Tina cried out in alarm, "Emily, look at him! He is bleeding badly and should be sent to the hospital right away!"

Emily, hearing her cry, turned around to see Boyd and found that his white shirt was drenched with blood, which still kept dripping down. She knew that the large iron sheet must be very heavy as it fell to the ground with a huge clang! However, she had no idea how badly he was hurt.

Without further delay, she handed all the equipment over to Tina for the time being. Then she accompanied Boyd to the nearest hospital.

Emily, holding the bills that she had just paid in her hands, ran out of the elevator to the emergency room through the sunlight streamed in from the corridor windows. At this time, Boyd was lying on the emergency bed. The nurse next to him pulled out the needle, taking the empty infusion bag away.

"Boyd, I've paid all the medical expenses for you!"

If he had not come today and appeared in time to save her, she would have been the one who got taped up in the hospital at this time. Thus, she thought she should accompany him to the hospital to deal with the injuries and pay the medical expenses.

Seeing him getting up from the bed, Emily asked in surprise, "Won't you stay in hospital?"

Hearing this, Boyd laughed, showing her his left elbow fixed by the plank, "It's not that serious. There's no fracture. It's just a few cuts that were closed with several stitches. Besides, I received a tetanus shot and an antiinflammation shot, so you don't need to worry about me. Now the construction has begun, and I have to deal with many things on the site. I can't leave the business there for too long!"

"Thank you for what happened today..." Biting her lips, Emily said sincerely.

"Emily, don't feel too burdened!" Boyd smiled at her, his familiar features as handsome as before. "I saved you but didn't intend to make you feel indebted to me. After all, we're classmates at college. Besides, even if it were someone else, I would step forward to push the iron sheet away. Since I'm in charge of the construction site, I should be responsible for the safety of everyone there!"

It was unknown whether he was just telling the truth or he said it to life Emily's burden of guilt. His words saved them from a lot of embarrassment.

Emily, filled with gratitude, could not help but sigh, "It seems that you've been through a lot of hardships over these years as well!"

Boyd smiled and did not say anything more-he appeared to be much more mature than before.

When the night fell, a brown car slowly drove in from the entrance of Riverside Court, which was ablaze with lights from many windows of the apartments there. Emily pointed to the building where she lived to the driver in front of her.

Boyd's arm was injured, and he could not drive, so he called for the driving service.

They crossed the city from the north to the south, and it took them a lot of time to return. Since Emily accompanied him to treat his wounds in the hospital, Tina went back with their colleagues. When Emily and Boyd left the hospital, it was evening peak, plus the north of the river was a remote area. Thus, considering her safety, Boyd suggested sending her back by car.

At peak times, Emily could not get a taxi, so she accepted his offer.

When the car stopped, she pushed open the back door and got out. Boyd also got off the car after her. Seeing this, she couldn't help but turn back and said again, "Boyd, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Boyd smiled and stood there to see her off. "I'll be back only when watching you going in!"

In the past, when they were dating in college, he often sent her back and watched her go in the dormitory door after studying together. At this moment, he had no improper thoughts, such as being together with her again, for he knew that it was impossible. He just wanted to recollect some of

the memories they shared.


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