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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 751

It was not the evening rush hour. Thus, half an hour later, Emily arrived at the Huaseen Law Firm.

She looked up at the office building in front of her, took a deep breath, and went in.

According to the tablets in the building, Emily found the office with ease. Upon arrival, after she told the receptionist that she was looking for Anson Price, the receptionist took her to the largest office. A man in a suit and leather shoes was sitting before the desk. He was just like the lawyer as she had expected.

After knocking on the door, she entered and went straight to the point. "Hello, Mr. Price. I'm Emily!"

After knocking on the door, she entered and went straight to the point. "Hello, Mr. Price. I'm Emily Sam!"

He got up and made her a cup of tea. As he handed it to her, he said with a smile, "Miss. Sam, although you don't know me, I know you well."

"Huh?" Emily was taken aback.

Mr. Price sat back in his chair and explained, "I drafted the marriage agreement of you and Mr. Chin!"

Emily clenched her fists and did not touch the teacup. Instead, she asked, "What do you mean by saying that on the phone?"

Mr. Price took out a document from the drawer and handed it to her. "Miss Sam, two days ago, Mr. Chin already transferred the apartment that you are living in to you. Please sign this gift agreement!"

After listening to his words, Emily looked a little stunned.


Mr. Price took away the cap of a pen nearby and said, "If you don't have any questions, you can sign on it now!"

"Mr. Price, but I don't want the apartment!" Emily said, biting the corner of her lips.

"Miss Sam, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to refuse it," Mr. Price said.

"What do you mean?" Emily looked confused.

The lawyer sat up straight, kept his calm countenance, and coaxed, "This house has undergone the property notarization, proving that it was a gratuitous gift to you from Mr. Chin, your husband. Meanwhile, the Real Estate Bureau has filed on the record for reference. According to the 'Regulations on the Administration of Urban Private Houses' and the 128th rule of 'General Principles of Civil Law' of our country, Young Master Chin has already transferred the ownership of this apartment to you. In other words, you can't refuse to accept this apartment. I ask you to sign this document just as a mere procedure... The apartment is already yours!"

As soon as Emily left the office, Mr. Price called Simon.

Looking at the agreement on the table that Emily had just signed, he said with a smile, "Mr. Chin, everything has been dealt with according to your instructions. I did not give Miss Sam any chance to refuse this apartment. She has already signed the apartment and accepted it!"

"Um!" Simon replied.

Mr. Price had been his private lawyer for many years and would help him deal with many things, so he knew a lot about Simon's life and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Chin, are you sure you only want me to transfer the apartment to her?"

"What else should I do?" Simon asked lazily.

Mr. Price continued, "At the beginning, your grandma was very sick. To comfort her, you asked me to make a four- year marriage agreement between you and her. But then, didn't your grandma's doctor in charge say that she might live four more years after the operation? Since your grandma is still alive, do you not need me to extend the contract?"

Simon suddenly fell into silence. Then, it sounded as if he opened a cigarette lighter and lit a cigarette. After a long while, there came two words through the line, "No need."

Then, he hanged up the phone. Mr. Price stared blankly at the phone for a moment and then continued to work.


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