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Purchased A Mr. Right novel Chapter 851

"Later, Addy tracked down them, drove to that place regardless of the danger, and called the police in time. She was the one who saved me! I was at a critical time. When Wilson remitted the money to their account, one of them took out a gun and pointed it at my temple-at the moment when he was about to pull the trigger, the police arrived, so I was survived!"

As Emily heard what he said, she conjured up in exact color almost every details of the story.

Just imagining it, she was shocked and worried, and her body trembled slightly. She couldn't help but nestled in his arms and held him tightly until she felt that her heart had returned to its original position.

She had actually heard of this matter once.

When Addy returned homeland, they held a get-together with the alumni. At that time, Brock spoke of it with a bottle in his arms. She was still very impressed now.

Simon paused for two seconds and continued to say in a low voice, "After that, they revenged on Addy when I went to Los Angeles for an academic meeting with my tutor. When I came back, I learned that Addy had been in the hospital for more than half a month!"

Emily buried her face in his chest and listened silently.

At this time, all she imagined was that when he was kidnapped, someone pointed a gun at his temple. She was in a state of shock at the thought that he might be killed anytime.

She didn't detect a flicker of unusual seriousness in his tone, nor the wild look in his eyes.

Simon slightly narrowed his eyes. "There is another reason why they targeted me. I was too arrogant at that time. I once had a conflict with one of the leading gangsters in a pub. That's why I got into such trouble. I didn't expect that they would be so atrocious. If Addy didn't save me, I would have died young. Isn't it a pity?"

When he said that, he turned relaxed as usual, even with a little facetious.

Emily was completely speechless.

Seeing that he did not speak for a long time, she raised her head, looked up along the outline of his strongly defined chin, and met with his affectionate gaze. He said, "So I owe her a debt of gratitude. Emily, do you know what I mean?"

Emily raised her hand and stroked the stubble on his chin. She nodded and replied,"... I got it!"

Just like before, she pressed her face against his chest.

She heard his strong heartbeat, as if it could perforate her eardrum and shock her heart. Invisibly, their hearts were closely connected.

Her inward disappointment that had been caused by the spider web disappeared in his deep voice and followed with sleepiness. Emily opened her mouth and yawned loudly.

She was sleepy, but Simon's mind was in such a turmoil that he couldn't get to sleep.

He moved his big hand on her head to her waist, and rubbed her skin through the pajamas restlessly.

Emily frowned and wanted to push him away, but he lowered his head and kissed her.

She gave out a moan, instead of struggling, she let him suck in the fragrance in her mouth. He held her so tight that she had to raise her head to cooperate with him.

Simon pulled out his arm and turned to prop himself above her on one hand beside her head. In the darkness, he was concentrating on unbuttoning her pajamas.

Emily covered her mouth with her hands and cried out in a low voice. "Simon, stop it. Be more careful of your hand!"

Simon raised his eyebrows. He couldn't agree with her words. There was a trace of mischief in his beautiful eyes as he said, "You'll be satisfied with my one-hand job!"

"..." Emily blushed and rolled her eyes at the same time.



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