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Pursuing My Ex Wife In Full Bloom Spring novel Chapter 324

Amelia closed her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep. Sabina sat there, watching Amelia, then glancing at the IV drip, guarding over her. However, it did not take long before Amelia's phone buzzed softly.

Sabina picked up the phone and saw a message. Glancing at Amelia, who was already asleep, she went to the wardrobe, wrapped the phone in clothes, and stowed it away so as not to disturb her.

Meanwhile, in Herland, Dylan took advantage of the time spent in the bathroom to send a text message to Amelia. After sending the message, he opened WheeChat, entered Amelia's number, and added her.

After completing these tasks, he left the bathroom to continue participating in the discussion. He was determined to infiltrate the enemy's ranks, leaving no room for uncertainty.

Naomi and Charles left the hospital room and entered the elevator. Charles observed Naomi's expression and said, "Don't worry, Sean should be at the hospital by tonight."

Naomi, burdened by thoughts, knew that she could not shake off her concern for Amelia. Her eyelashes fluttered slightly, then she shook her head. "It's fine."

After speaking, Naomi looked at the elevator display, realizing they were not heading to the 1st floor but the 16th. She hesitated for a moment before asking, "Charles, where are we going?"

Charles' intention was to take Naomi to visit his grandmother on the 16th floor and then bring her back home. He had no other thoughts. He simply wanted her to rest as much as possible, knowing that she must not have slept well the previous night, especially after considering the faint bluish tint beneath her eyelids, something that was not there before.

He replied, "Grandma is on the 16th floor. After visiting her, we can..."

Naomi shook her head, interrupting him. "Charles, let's go outside first."

"Hmm? Outside?" Charles looked at Naomi's expression and asked, "Is there something going on?"

She looked serious, clearly indicating that something was amiss.

Naomi nodded, "Yes, there's something. I need to buy something."

She could not visit the elderly empty-handed. It would be improper and disrespectful.


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