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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1031

Luo Qingyan came back with several generals. When he saw Yun Shang, he said to her softly, 'Til go to the study to discuss the war with the generals. Ask someone to make some tea for us. Thank you, my lady."

When the others heard Luo Qingyan call Yun Shang lady, they all glanced at Yun Shang in surprise, and then followed Luo Qingyan into the study.

Yun Shang smiled bitterly. She felt heartache. Luo Qingyan had just come back. He was already exhausted. The wounds on his body seemed to be more than when she had seen them in the Phoenix Mountain. His armor was full of mud, and even his face was stained with a lot of mud. His face was as white as paper, but he had no time to rest. He had to discuss the war again.

Yun Shang lowered her head to hide the sadness in her eyes. She then looked up and ordered Hua'er, "Go and serve some tea for the generals."

Noticing that Yun Shang didn't look well, Hua'er looked up at her cautiously and answered in a low voice. When she was about to turn around, she heard Yun Shang say, "By the way, I found his majesty's voice is a little hoarse. Put some sterculia seeds in his Majesty's tea. I have got some in the boxes. Do you recognize them?"

Seeing Hua'er confused expression, Yun Shang sighed and said, "All right. You go to boil water first. I'll go to find the sterculia seeds."

With that, Yun Shang entered the room with Bao'er in her arms, opened one of the boxes, and found the herbal medicine she needed. She handed it to Pei Lan and asked her to send it to Hua'er. After Pei Lan went out, Yun Shang looked in the direction of the study, lost in thought.

Judging from the looks of Luo Qingyan and the others just now, things were not as good as they thought. Cangjue Qingsu was likely not caught.

Luo Qingyan stayed with them in the study for more than two hours before Yun Shang saw Zhao Yingjie come out. Yun Shang was excited and waited eagerly for Luo Qingyan, but a long time passed, and he didn't appear.

Biting her lips, Yun Shang asked Hua'er to take care of Bao'er. She then stood up and walked towards the study.

Yun Shang supposed Luo Qingyan was still dealing with his business in the study, but unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the study, she saw Luo Qingyan sitting on the chair with his eyes closed. He had... fallen asleep?

Yun Shang walked to the back of the desk, pushed Luo Qingyan and called softly, "Your Majesty?"

Luo Qingyan frowned and didn't respond. Yun Shang saw Luo Qingyan's face flushed. Thinking of the pale face when she just saw him back, her heart jolted. She reached out to feel his forehead, only to find it was a little hot there.

She reached out and held his hand. When she was about to feel his pulse, Luo Qingyan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yun Shang coldly. He pulled his hand out of Yun Shang's. Seeing that the situation was not good, Yun Shang hurriedly took two steps back and raised her voice, "Your majesty!"

Luo Qingyan was stunned, and his expression softened a little. He looked at Yun Shang blankly for a long time before he came to his senses, "It's Shang'er. I'm sorry. I thought..." Luo Qingyan rubbed his forehead as if he was extremely tired.

Even if he didn't tell her, Yun Shang knew that he was on the alert because of the battlefield, even if he was injured and sick.

Yun Shang swallowed the pain in her heart and said softly, "Your Majesty, you are having a fever. If you don't deal with the wounds on your body, they will be inflamed. Your majesty, come with me to the room. I have prepared the medicine."

After listening to Yun Shang's words, Luo Qingyan thought for a long time before he nodded gently and stood up. His body shook slightly before he stood firm. After standing there for a while, he walked to the door again. Yun Shang held his hand. Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Shang with a smile and joked, "I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Qingyan's body shook violently. Seeing that his eyes were somewhat blurred, Yun Shang rubbed his temples hard and knew that something was wrong. She hurriedly raised her voice, "Help!"

Next, Luo Qingyan fell heavily on Yun Shang. Yun Shang hurriedly put her arms around Luo Qingyan's waist and leaned against the wall, trying to support him.

Pei Lan seemed to have heard Yun Shang's voice and ran over in a hurry. She was also shocked by the situation. She hurried forward and held Luo Qingyan for Yun Shang. They two helped Luo Qingyan back to the bedroom and let him lie on the bed. Yun Shang took off Luo Qingyan's armor and shoes. The clothes inside Luo Qingyan's armor had already been wet. Yun Shang frowned and turned to give orders, "Prepare hot water and bathe his majesty."

Pei Lan nodded and ran out quickly. She asked the maid to prepare hot water and a handkerchief. Yun Shang touched Luo Qingyan's forehead and found it was getting hotter. Now Luo Qingyan was in a coma, and it was difficult to feed him medicine. And it would be more difficult if the fever didn't fade away.

Yun Shang stood up and rummaged through the medicine chest for a while. Then she took some medicine and wrapped it with gauze. She called Hua'er to sew the gauze up. Pei Lan asked someone to fetch some water and poured it into the bathtub. Yun Shang called two secret guards to help Luo Qingyan sit down in the bathtub, and put the gauze filled with herbs into the water.

After the bath, Yun Shang hurriedly fetched the medicine and applied it on the wounds on Luo Qingyan's body. Fortunately, the wounds were not too serious though there were quite a lot of them on his body and looked frightening.

After the medicine was applied, Yun Shang asked Pei Lan to fetch some hot water and then she wrung a handkerchief to put it on Luo Qingyan's forehead. At the same time, she took Luo Qingyan's pulse again. Fortunately, he was fine. It must be his injury, rain and high vigilance that made Luo Qingyan pass out.


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