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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1032

"Since I have promised to keep him alive, I will definitely do it. But I have many ways to make his life a living hell. The news that he was caught by us can't be revealed. There are still many officials in the court who work for him. I hope to take this opportunity to eradicate all the people secretly loyal to him," said Luo Qingyan. He looked indifferent, but there was a hint of irony in his eyes.

Yun Shang turned to look at Luo Qingyan for a while and said softly, "But Xia Houjing is very cunning. Although we have him now, I'm always worried that he has other plans. Besides, it's impossible for us to know from Xia Houjing which people are working for him. Now that we are not in the Jin City, there are many things that we can't know in time and react quickly."

Luo Qingyan flicked Yun Shang's forehead and said with a sly smile, "They let their guard down just because we are not in the Jin City."

Yun Shang rubbed her forehead and glared at Luo Qingyan. She said thoughtfully, "We have to get rid of Xia Houjing. What can not be done by such a man who can even collude with foreigners for the sake of the throne?"

Hearing this, Luo Qingyan smiled but said nothing.

They two kept silent for a moment. Then Yun Shang asked, "Cangjue Qingsu..."

As soon as the words came out, Luo Qingyan couldn't help laughing. Yun Shang was confused by his laugh. She didn't know what she had said was wrong, so she looked at Luo Qingyan blankly, "What's wrong?"

Luo Qingyan had been lying on the bed for a long time and felt sore all over. He sat up and said with a smile, "All right. When I came back yesterday, I knew you wanted to ask me about it. But you haven't asked me about it until this moment. I was a little surprised. So when I just heard you ask, I suddenly had a feeling that I had got it at last."

Hearing this, Yun Shang reached out to pinch him, but her hand accidentally fell on his wound. Luo Qingyan screamed with pain right away. Yun Shang realized it and kept on apologizing. Luo Qingyan smiled, patted the seat beside him and said, "Come on, let me have a hug."

"What's the matter with you?" Yun Shang murmured, but still she followed his idea, took off her shoes and lay down beside him. Luo Qingyan let Yun Shang rest on his arm. He then sighed and said softly, "Cangjue Qingsu has escaped."

Yun Shang had already guessed this result, so she didn't feel surprised. Luo Qingyan meditated for a moment and said, "I have made a lot of preparations for that battle. The reinforcements were planned to arrive in two days, but I ordered them to come day and night and to arrive in Huaiyin ahead of the scheduled time. I also ordered the secret guards not to let anyone send messages out, in order to avoid being noticed by Cangjue Qingsu.

During the previous fights, I found out the habits of Qingsu to send soldiers. Their shield soldiers are in the front, followed by archers, generals, infantry and cavalry. This kind of arrangement is to prevent the hidden forces on the Langya Mountain from attacking from behind, but it also gives us a chance. I asked the soldiers on the mountain to catch almost all the wild beasts there and starve them for several days. At the critical moment of the war between the two armies, I asked Zhao Yingjie to lead soldiers from the north of the Langya Mountain to the back of the troops of Yelang, and let those wild beasts out into the forests again."

Hearing this, Yun Shang suddenly understood why the secret guards reported that night that the last army of the State of Yelang suddenly had a mess, and the horses rushed forward crazily, disrupting their own array. It turned out that was the reason.

"When the enemy's array was in a mess, I personally rushed out of the city with my people. Cangjue Qingsu ordered his troops to launch an attack, and I asked all the soldiers to shout in the language of the State of Yelang that Cangjue Qingsu had been assassinated and asked them to run to the Phoenix Mountain. The troops of the State of Yelang panicked and rushed to the the Phoenix Mountain. Cangjue Qingsu had no choice but to follow them to the mountain. Then we chased and killed many of them.

Later, the stone and the dense forests consumed a lot of soldiers of the State of Yelang. Cangjue Qingsu was attacked in all directions, and we almost caught him,"

Luo Qingyan narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "What a pity! I almost made it. I didn't expect that while we were encircling them, their spies in our army gathered and guarded an exit. Then they sent a secret signal to Cangjue Qingsu. Cangjue Qingsu ran towards that place and finally escaped. He was saved by the reinforcements of the State of Yelang."

Luo Qingyan said indifferently, but Yun Shang knew that it was a dangerous situation. They were outnumbered by the enemy. He had tried his best, though he had lost this rare opportunity because of the spies in the army. It was not hard to imagine how upset Luo Qingyan was.

Yun Shang held Luo Qingyan's hand and said with a smile, "We have about two hundred thousand soldiers, tens of thousands fewer than the those of the state of Yelang. But we have beat Cangjue Qingsu to pieces. This lesson is enough for him to remember for a while. Moreover, the troops of the State of Yelang have suffered a great loss in this battle. They will not dare to attack us again for a while. If your majesty want, it's not impossible to take advantage of the victory and chase them..."

As Yun Shang spoke, she raised her eyes and asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to take advantage of the victory to pursue them?"

Luo Qingyan meditated for a moment and said with a smile, "If we take advantage of the victory and chase after him, we can reach the State of Yelang. The failure of Cangjue Qingsu is a matter of time, but not now. The biggest problem we are facing now are the growing domestic crises, and the court has not been cleaned up. The ministers still have some thoughts about me. The people are not united. So, this battle can't go on."

Yun Shang nodded slightly. Seeing the disappointment on Luo Qingyan's face, Yun Shang comforted him softly, "Your Majesty, don't be disappointed. This is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go. Now many of our inner affairs haven't been sorted out yet. When the court is a little more stable, we will go to the State of Yelang and order Cangjue Qingsu to kneel down and apologize to your majesty."

Luo Qingyan turned to Yun Shang, and the resentment in his eyes had disappeared. "I didn't expect my Empress to be an ambitious person," he teased.


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