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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 532

Sweat kept oozing out from Yun Shang's forehead. She bit her lips and said softly, "just now, that man was dressed as a woman. As soon as he came in, he kept asking to change my clothes for me. If he got what he wanted, my reputation would be ruined."

The people in the room all turned pale on hearing her words. Yun Shang gritted her teeth and whispered, "your name is Qian Yu, right? I'm afraid I can't hold on any longer. I can't even see your face clearly now. Knock me out now."

Qian Yu frowned and gritted her teeth after hearing her order. After a long time, she finally made up her mind and knocked Yun Shang out all of a sudden.

As soon as she knocked Yun Shang unconscious, she heard a man's voice coming from outside. Qian Yu frowned and quickly walked out of the Xiang Zhu Palace. She saw Prince Rui standing outside, followed by a maid who had been following Yun Shang before. And he looked very anxious. "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with shang'er? "

Qian Yu looked at Prince Rui and saw two servants standing on the side of a man behind her. The man was dressed like a servant girl, but it seemed something was wrong with him. She was silent for a moment before asking, "who is this?"

Luo Qingyan glanced at the palace guards behind him and said coldly, "when I came here just now, I saw him running out of the Xiang Zhu Palace in a hurry. I saw that he didn't look like a court maid, so I caught him."

Qian Yu immediately knew that the culprit was the one who had attempted to do something to Yun Shang a moment ago. With a murderous look, she answered, "yes, he ran out of our palace just now."

Then she raised her eyes and looked at Luo Qingyan. She pondered for a moment and said, "Your Highness, can I have a check on your face to see if you are disguised or not?"

Hearing this, Luo Qingyan frowned and looked at Qian Yu with coldness. Qian Yu said quickly, "someone who disguised as a maid wanted to harm lady Rui just now. And it is the man you caught. I dare not take it lightly."

Hearing what Qian Yun said, Luo Qingyan's face darkened. With a tight face, he turned to the man in the maid's uniform and said with a frown, "check my face then."

Qian Yu touched the place on his hair and withdrew her hand after a gentle touch. "Your Highness, please follow me. Lady Rui was drugged and poisoned in tea when she was in the Wei Yang Palace. I have to take her back to this palace. She was drugged and got knocked out by me."

"She is knocked out by you?" Luo Qingyan squinted his eyes. There was coldness in his eyes.

Qian Yu immediately answered, "Her Highness ordered me to do so. The illusory power is so strong, but we don't know what it will do to her. Her highness is afraid that something bad will happen, so she told me to knock her out. But the effect of the illusion is very strong and it moves very fast. It will disappear in about half an hour."

As Luo Qingyan hurried into the room, he saw Yun Shang sleeping on the couch, with sweat on her forehead. Luo Qingyan frowned and held Yun Shang in his arms. He looked up at Yun Shang and asked, "what happened? Why was she drugged? "

Qian Yu was quick to explain, "the illusion drug is put in the tea of her highness. Her highness would have found it if it were a normal day. But just now in the Wei Yang palace, the empress went into the inner palace to change her clothes and asked lady Rui to look after the little son of the former crown prince. When the maid came in with chestnut cakes, lady Shu came and asked lady Rui that if the little prince ate chestnut cakes. Lady Shu then left lady Rui and the little prince alone, so she didn't notice that her tea was drugged. Then she asked me to fetch some tea and I poured the tea on her on purpose. So she could change her clothes in the Xiang Zhu Palace."

"What do you think it was when someone disguised as a maid and was going to do something bad to lady Rui?" Luo Qingyan wiped the sweat off Yun Shang's forehead and whispered.

Qian Yu immediately answered, "Your Highness, her highness asked me to go to the Wei Yang palace to look for you as soon as possible. Then I went out and told my servants to go there, but a man pretended to be a maid and came here. He said that the empress would give her highness an imperial edict, so he went into the inner palace. But in fact, he wanted to change her highness' clothes. Fortunately, her highness is immune to poisons and the illusion potion is suppressed as well. Her highness is still sensible and knows that something is wrong, so she quickly shouted..."

Luo Qingyan clenched his fists tightly and snorted coldly. There was a murderous look in his eyes. Qian Yu was shocked by the murderous look. She stepped back and bowed her head, not daring to look at Luo Qingyan again.

"Stay outside. I'll change clothes for her highness." Hearing this, Qian Yu nodded her head and left.

Taking off Yun Shang's clothes, Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Shang's scalded arm. He frowned and put his hand on it, wanting to touch it. But he stopped when it was still far from the red mark. He let out a sigh and picked up the clothes aside and changed the clothes for her.

When Qian Yu was called in again, she saw Luo Qingyan frowning at the wound on Yun Shang's arm. Qian Yu immediately took out a small cyan bottle from a cupboard and presented it to Luo Qingyan, "Your Highness, this is the medicine for burns..."

Luo Qingyan took the ointment and poured some ointment on his hand. He applied it on Yun Shang's arm carefully before putting the ointment aside.

Someone came in a hurry. "Your Highness, Lady Xiang have sent someone here to ask you if her highness have changed her clothes? The empress asked just now."


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