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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 824

Yun Shang stood up abruptly, "I have to tell this to his highness right away. Qin Yi, let's go into the Palace."

Qin Yi answered yes and followed Yun Shang downstairs in a hurry. She helped Yun Shang get on the carriage and rushed to the Palace.

When they arrived at the door of the Meeting Hall, Yun Shang saw that the door was closed. The eunuch standing at the door walked up to Yun Shang as he saw her coming, "Your Highness, are you here for Prince Rui?"

Yun Shang nodded, "Is Prince Rui holding a meeting in the hall?"

The eunuch shook his head and said, "His Highness has gone to the Lingyin Temple."

"Lingyin Temple?" Yun Shang was confused, "Why did his highness suddenly go to the Lingyin Temple? What happened?"

"Well..." The eunuch seemed to be in a dilemma. "I really don't know what happened. I just saw that the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Lord Li, and the Deputy Minister of Revenue, Lord Qian rushed over in a hurry. After they reported something, his highness left the Palace with them. As for what happened, I really don't know."

Hearing this, Yun Shang frowned. What made them come together to report?

"Your Highness..." Qin Yi asked softly, "Will we go to the Lingyin Temple or return to the mansion to wait for his highness?"

Yun Shang thought for a moment and said, "Go to the Lingyin Temple."

She also wanted to know what had happened in the Lingyin Temple.

They arrived at the foot of the mountain, but there was still a long step that the carriage couldn't get on. Yun Shang got off the carriage and climbed up the steps with Qin Yi and Qian Zhuo. When she arrived at the gate of the temple, Yun Shang saw many people surrounding the gate of the Lingyin Temple. They were talking and stretching their necks to peep into the temple.

Yun Shang just caught some words like "missing" and "women", but she could not figure out what they were exactly talking about.

There were guards at the entrance of the temple, preventing people from entering. Yun Shang winked at Qian Zhuo and handed her the jade pendant on her waist. Qian Zhuo hurried forward and whispered to the guard. The guard gave a glance to Yun Shang and nodded. Then he turned around and ordered something. Several guards separated the crowd. Qian Zhuo walked to Yun Shang in a hurry and escorted Yun Shang to the Lingyin Temple with Qin Yi.

After taking a few more steps inside, Yun Shang saw the secret guard of Luo Qingyan. The secret guard came over in a hurry. "Your Highness."

Yun Shang nodded slightly, "Take me to his highness. What happened in the Lingyin Temple?"

The secret guard led Yun Shang inside and whispered, "Many people have disappeared in Jin City these days. Today, they were being found in the Ling Yin Temple."

Hearing this, Yun Shang was a little surprised. Those missing people were all in this temple?

The secret guard led Yun Shang into a hall of the temple. Yun Shang saw Luo Qingyan and Li Qianmo standing inside. There were over a hundred women sitting in a corner of the hall. They all looked pale and thin, trembling slightly.

Luo Qingyan was talking to Li Qianmo with his back to the door. So Li Qianmo saw Yun Shang first.

"These are the people who have just been saved?" Yun Shang asked softly.

Hearing Yun Shang's voice, Luo Qingyan turned around, walked quickly to Yun Shang and asked, "Why are you here?" Then he handed the handkerchief to the servant and asked him to wet it.

"I went to the Palace to tell you something, but I heard that you were in the Lingyin Temple. I knew something must have happened in the Lingyin Temple, so I came here in a hurry." Yun Shang replied softly.

Li Qianmo also came over and bowed to Yun Shang with a smile.

The servant handed a wet handkerchief to Luo Qingyan who then handed it to Yun Shang. "The scent of sandalwood is a little heavy in the temper. The physician said that pregnant people can't smell too much of it. Cover your nose with this. You'd better not stay here."

Hearing this, Yun Shang smiled and nodded slightly. "Then let Li Qianmo go out with me and tell me what happened."

Li Qianmo took a look at Luo Qingyan. Seeing that Luo Qingyan didn't say anything to refute, he nodded and walked out of the gate of the hall with Yun Shang. The smell outside was a little lighter than inside. Yun Shang took off the handkerchief and whispered, "How did these people be found? Are there only these people in the Lingyin Temple?"

Li Qianmo lowered her head and replied, "Recently, there are more and more people missing in Jin City. Many people come to the Lingyin Temple to pray for the safety of their missing family members. This morning, when someone came to pray, he heard a faint cry from under the statue of Buddha. The prayer became suspicious, so he immediately went down the mountain and ran to Fuya to report the case. Lord Qian and I were in the Fuya at that time, so we hurried to the Palace and reported to His Flighness."


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