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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 825

Luo Qingyan asked servants to bring out two chairs from the hall. Yun Shang asked A Xiu to sit down on the chair, and gently stroked her hands, as if trying to make her relax.

"First, do you remember what happened when you were kidnapped?" Yun Shang looked into A Xiu's eyes and asked softly.

After thinking for a while, A Xiu trembled slightly and bit her lips so hard that her lips were a little pale. After a long time, she said, "That morning, I took dirty clothes to wash by the river. Before dawn, when I passed through an alley on the way to the river, I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. Before I could react, I felt a pain in my neck, and then I knew nothing."

Yun Shang nodded. Then A Xiu continued, "when I woke up, I realized that I was in a carriage. The carriage so dark that I couldn't see anything clearly. My hands and feet were tied, my eyes were covered, and my mouth was blocked. But I found that there are many people in the carriage except me. They should also be kidnapped. Later, the carriage stopped, and we were pulled down. We were being carried like a cloth bag for a long time, and then we were all thrown into the dark room."

Yun Shang nodded slightly. Seeing that A Xiu had finished speaking, Yun Shang asked again, "Have you ever seen the person who guarded you and brought you food in that dark room? Did you hear anything they said?"

A Xiu nodded repeatedly, "Yes, I have. The people who deliver food to us are monks." A Xiu's body trembled for a while, and then she continued, "It's said that the Buddhist disciples are the most kind people, but they are all evil spirits. Three women among us were very good-looking, so they were taken away by the group of monks. When we left, we clearly heard them say that although they were all useless women, such beautiful women must be very tasty. Later, the three of them never came back. We all vaguely guessed what had happened to them, and we were also very scared. We feared that such a fate will fall on us. Fortunately, you came to save us."

As Yun Shang expected, the three women must have been killed.

"Think about it carefully. Did those people say anything strange?" Yun Shang's smile was still as gentle as the spring breeze.

A Xiu was stunned for a while. Then she quickly lowered her head and said, "Let me think. Let me think."

After thinking for a long time, she hurriedly said, "I remember that I once heard them talking. One of them asked the other whether the other group of people had been sent there. The other one replied that they might have already started working in that city. I haven't heard anything else."

Yun Shang nodded slightly and smiled, "Okay, that's all I want to ask. Where do you live? I'll ask someone to drive you home."

With gratitude and excitement written all over her face, A Xiu expressed her thanks in succession and said, "I live in Xisan Alley."

Xi San Alley was said to be the poorest area in Jin City.

Yun Shang nodded and turned to look at Luo Qingyan. Luo Qingyan smiled helplessly. Then he turned around and ordered the secret guard to take the woman named A Xiu away.

Yun Shang took the teacup from Qin Yi, sipped the tea and sneered, "She's not telling the truth."

Luo Qingyan put his arm around Yun Shang's shoulder with a smile and said softly, "Shang'er, you are wrong. Every word she said is true. It's just that someone deliberately made up these words and asked her to tell us. No matter who we ask, we can only get the same answers."

Hearing Luo Qingyan's words, Yun Shang calmed down a little. She nodded slightly and said, "Maybe. But this woman called A Xiu must have been deliberately arranged. She pretended to be very scared just now, as if she was no different from other women. But when she answered my question, she was afraid that she didn't say it clearly enough. So she deliberately used many ways to express herself, ensuring that I totally understood what she said."

"When she was kidnapped, she still remembered that she was carried away by someone like a cloth bag. When she mentioned what happened to the three women, she said at the beginning that the Buddhist disciples were the most kind-hearted, but they were all evil spirits. She deliberately emphasized that the other group of people might have already started their work at that city, that city. She expressed so clearly. She didn't seem to be scared at all." Yun Shang snorted.

Seeing Yun Shang's expression, Luo Qingyan couldn't help laughing. He reached out his hand to touch Yun Shang's frowned eyebrows and said softly, "No matter how hard A Xiu tried, she couldn't escape the smart Lady Rui's eyes, could she?"

Yun Shang patted Luo Qingyan's hand and sighed, "But in this way, we can't get any useful information."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if we can't get the answer. Let's investigate it by ourselves." Luo Qingyan didn't care about it at all. She turned to Li Qianmo and said, "When they calm down, you can interrogate the women inside one by one, and then ordere someone to send them home. Close the temper and search it carefully. I don't believe that there is no trace left by them."

Then Luo Qingyan took Yun Shang's hand and walked outside. "This place is dirty. It's not good to our child. Let's go back first."

The corners of Li Qianmo's mouth twitched slightly, and he had no choice but to enter the inner hall and continue to deal with the affairs.


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