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Rejected By My Mate novel Chapter 5

I felt around me. Sheets. I smiled and pulled the covers up to my chin. It was so cold in here, my hands were freezing. I yawn and rub my eyes, looking around. I was in my room. I didn't remember walking up here... then it clicks in that I had fallen asleep downstairs. One of them must have carried me up here. I looked down and noticed I was in a button up shirt, and my panties.

Probably one of the guys put it on me. I yawn again and walk out of my bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen. Cliff was sitting at the table with a large plate of food in front of him. I sit beside him, grabbing two pieces of bacon. "Good morning to you too, Kat." He smirks at me. "Morning." I mutter, taking a bit of one. He laughs and takes a bit of his food. "Good sleep?" He asks, his mouth kinda full. "Sure I guess. How about you?" I ask. "Not bad, dreamless sleep. What you planning on doing today?" He asks me, taking the other piece of bacon back from my hand and biting it himself. I frown. Ass. "Well, I wanna go for a run by the lake. Did you wanna come?" I ask him. "Sure thing. Wanna invite Joel?" And I nod smiling at him. "We could go swimming!" He grins backs "Yeah, I'd like to see you in a bikini again." He winks. "Hm, looks like I'll be swimming in a long baggy shirt then." I tease and he laughs. "You'd still look beautiful." He smirks and I roll my eyes, grabbing a piece of his toast.

My chest started tightening just then. It was painful, really painful. I started screaming. I was knocked off my chair and was leaning on Cliff's lap, clutching my stomach and chest. "What's going on.. please.. stop.." I screech, my voice getting weaker. "Elijah!" Cliff shouted, pulling me into the floor with him. "It's okay, you'll be okay, Kat." He muttered, stroking my forehead. I scream again and see Elijah rushing into the kitchen. "What's wrong? He asks Cliff. "Katerina, can you hear me?" And his voice is so faint. "What happened!" I hear Elijah shout and I let out another scream, feeling his hands on my cheeks. "I don't know, all of a sudden she was in pain. Elijah, what's going on!" Cliff shouts at him. And things are becoming a bit more clear. Joel pulls him into the corner of the room. I whimper and groan my head was starting to feel tight. "Can you hear me? Katerina count to ten... breathe..."

Elijah tells me and I start counting in my head. One... two... I groan again, relaxing another scream. Please!" I begged, my face and neck soaked with tears. "Start again, count again!" Elijah shouts at me. "One... two... three... four... five... six.." I was breathing heavy, my voice trailing off, my heartbeat slowing down before one last shot of pain runs through me. I open my eyes slowly, no longer feeling any form of that pain. My eyes were stinging, I was wet from tears and sweat. "I don't..." I take a calming breath. "Elijah what just happened to me?" I asked him with wide watery eyes. Confusion settling in my stomachs "Katerina.. are you alright?" Joel rushes to me, kneeling at my side. I go to stand only to stumble down and onto his thighs. I wanted to get up. I didn't want to be on this floor. "I don't know what I am.." I look between Joel, Cliff and Elijah. "Kat." And I meet Elijah's steady gaze. "I hate to be the one to tell you this... it's your mate. He's just had sex with someone else only this time, he marked her." Elijah tells me. My face fall. My eyes rim with more tears but I didn't want to cry anymore.

I remember all the pain I experienced when Kol had sex with other girls, but it was never like this. Never that excruciating.

It must be because he bit her, marked her. That must be it I tell myself. "He's not her mate, and she's not his, they're potential mates. There connection can be broken at anytime so long as either wishes it." He told me as Cliff wiped my forehead with a cold damp cloth. "I see." I muttered lifelessly. I was trying my best to forget him Kol. It was hard. And painful, i'll admit that. But I was doing well until all this. I hated being constantly reminded that my mate was a fudging sex whore. I wiped my eyes and forced a smile at my boys. I refused to be sad any longer. "Can I have more bacon?" I ask to no one in particular, each of them laughing in response. I grin and wipe my face with the back of my hand, accepting a piece of bacon with the other. "How can someone so damn small eat so much?" Joel mutters into my ear as he passes by me to take a seat. "Very happily, that's how." I grin and bite dramatically on my piece. He rolls his eyes and I laugh. Cliff mutters something about me being bi-polar to Elijah, and he gets back handed for it. As he rubs the back of his head, he frowns. The reason I was upset earlier coming to mind for him. He turns and smiles sadly at me. I match his smile, showing him I'm okay.

Elijah helps me stand and kisses my cheek. "You're sure you're okay?" He asks gently. I nod up at him and smile. "I'm sure. Thank you." I was currently in my room searching for a bathing suit. I wasn't chubby anymore, I had absolutely no fat. I was pure skin and muscle, and yet I was still self-concious.

After years of being called a cow, a waste of space, a fatass, well it shouldn't surprise me how insecure I get. But there's even time's when I try not to eat, thinking that it would help me lose weight like it had before out in the woods.

Each and everytime I try, I get caught and growled at by either Elijah, Joel or Cliff. My weight is my blind spot according to them. I find myself shaking my head dismissively at the thought. "Aha." I say suddenly, reaching for the smooth fabric of my navy blue bikini. I wiggle my hips in victory, a smile printed on my face. I close the bathroom door behind me as I step onto the cool tiles of the floor. I slip the T-shirt over my head and slip on the bikini top. There was no design on it, just like the bikini bottoms I slipped on. I bundled my previous clothes in my hand and walk back into my room, throwing them on the bed and grabbing a towel. "You guy's ready to go?" I ask, meeting them in the living room. There was loud wolf whistles and I blush, sitting beside Elijah.

"Don't get too comfortable, we're about to head out. As soon as Rebekah gets here!" Joel yells the last part. I roll my eyes. "Nice. Could you be any nicer to the girl? You're just mad because she beat your ass her first try." I scowl at him. He scoffs. "She's a girl, of course I should be mad. I'm that childish." He says and it was his turn to roll his eyes. "I won't hesitate to hurt you if you're at all mean to her today." I smile at him . "Hey, be nice. He'll behave I'm sure." Cliff tells me, glaring at Joel and then grinning at me. I laugh shaking my head. Rebekah came downstairs in a bright red two piece bikini, and a black towel hanging from her arm. "Ready to go?" She smiled. I ran up to her and linked arms. "Let's." I said and glared at Joel as they all stood up and followed us.


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