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Rejected By My Mate novel Chapter 9

As soon as we entered that pack house, Elijah was in the kitchen, of course. I put a smile on my face and greeting him as I passed by before yet again, speed-walking to my bed room.

Fuck. The only word going through my head.

No way am I going to be able to do this whole distancing thing.

He looked so.. good just now.

There was a knock that made me jump. I didn't respond. "I am well away you're in there, Katerina. Just open the door." Elijah tells me. He was using his alpha tone and I felt myself cowering towards it on reflex. Ass.

Soon enough he was in my room pulling me in for a hug and inspecting me at arms length. "Why did you run off like that" he asks me with a worried gaze. "Sorry, nothings wrong. I just got back from the trees. Seen Bekah for a bit, she showed me her gift." I grin, not at all feeling awkward. He sighs in relief.

"It's amazing what some people can do" he says, sitting beside me on the bed. "It is. It makes you wonder what's hiding beneath the surface of your own body." I smile to myself, once again hoping for some kind of gift. Either way, I'm happy for my best friend. "How'd you sleep? I woke up and you were gone." He says out of no where, eyebrow raised at me. "I slept fine, nightmare is all."

I tell him and of course as if on que I started thinking about it. And I didn't put my metal block up this morning. He blinks and smirks at me suddenly. Shit . "I see you've had a dream about me." He says, his tone makes me clench my thoughts. He's starring at me. I push at his chest. "That's not fair. This whole mind connection shit with the pack is stupid." I mutter in frustration. "I'm an Alpha, so to be fair I have no choice in what I hear, unless you place your mental block up each morning. Now answer me." He says and I part my lips, explaining what had happened.

He smirks at me once I'm finished, responding with "That's interesting.." And I turn to glare at him. "That's the word you use?" I snap. I turn away and start picking lint off the sheets. "Yes." "I'm glad you find it so fascinating." I stare. He pulls my chin slightly so I am now facing him and meeting his eyes. My breath hitches.

"I find it interesting because it seems you have the same erotic dreams I have about you, Katerina..." and he inches closer to my lips. "No, stop." I say just before they touch and scoot back, rising from the bed. I stood in he middle of the room starting him.

"Kat, don't do this." He says gently. I pace a bit. "You're making a mistake, Elijah. What happens when you meet your mate, what then?" He holds a hand out and I stop for a second, meeting his gaze I make it clear, "I cannot take another loss. If I can keep myself from you, I will not have to feel yet another one. Please, you don't do this." I beg, my eyes rimming with tears.

He gets up from the bed, a look in his eyes I can't identify. He steps closer to me as I step back. "This isn't about me, Katerina. It's about you. You're worried that when I find my mate, it'll be as if you never existed, correct?" He asks, tilting his head back and facing down, trying to meet my eyes.

I shake my head. "You don't understand the pull, Elijah. You don't. It's over-whelming and in a way, suffocating how much you feel for your mate in that split second of seeing them. It's stronger than love and you can't help it, it takes over until one breaks it." I tell him, stray tears running down my cheeks. I take a couple steps back only to reach a wall. He is standing in front of me now. I shake my head. No, this isn't right.




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