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Rejected Mate - Quest For The Throne novel Chapter 10

We rode silently to my apartment, and it felt weird to me. I wasn't used to him not talking to me and me not talking to him. I think I should tell him about my encounter with Doona.
"I met a Beta Werewolf today!" I told him, and he immediately stepped on the break of his car, making me almost hit my head on the car front, thank God I had my seatbelt on.
"What did you just say?" He asked
"Do you want to get me killed? I almost got my head bumped!" I half yelled.
"That was because you said what you just said out of the air, I told you to be careful when you meet other strangers!" He cautioned.
"She isn't a stranger, She is my manager!" 
He looked at me before moving the car again.
"How can your manager be a werewolf? To see a werewolf here Is very rare!"
"That's true! She was the first person to tell that I was a werewolf, according to her she could smell me from far" I explained
"But you are not a werewolf, how can she tell!" He said calmly
"I was wondering that too. Maybe it's because I have been living in your house, and I have the scent of wolves' ' I told him and he nodded.
"Even though she is your manager, you have to be extremely careful, mind the way You talk and…"
"Don't lecture me, Logan! She isn't here for me, she came for her family, and I don't see any reason to not mingle with her, she is fun and loving and again! I'm not some kid you can tell what to do and what not to do!" I yelled while drawing my face closer to him.
With his eyes still on the road, he used the tip of his index finger to push my head back.
"I'm driving!" 
"My apartment is down the road!" I said pointing at the house.
We got out of the car and headed to the building. My room was on the fourth floor, so it took some time before we got there. I quietly opened the door. Thank God my room has always been neat.
"You are the first guy to come to my room, so don't touch anything, sit down there and wait for me to pack my things," I said in a commanding tone.
"Your room doesn't look bad!" He complimented while looking around.
"That's because I live alone, and I don't usually stay at home because I always go to work!" 
I began packing my things. I only picked up a few things that were important to me. I won't live in his house forever, I will come back home one day after this whole thing is over.
"You should pack up all your stuff!" He told me as if he read my mind.
"Why would I pack my things? Do you think I would love you forever?" 
"I don't want you to live with me forever, but you would have to live with me until I find the guy who tried to attack you" he replied and I scoffed.
"Saying it as if you are granting me a huge favor!" I mumbled.
"I'm sorry, I don't have anything to offer in return, Mr helper!" 
"I don't need anything from you!" 
I glanced at him for a moment, before going back to what I was doing. It took me about thirty minutes before I was done with my packing.
"I'm done!" I said to him, And he immediately walked towards me, grabbed my box, and headed downstairs, while I trailed behind.
We drove back to his mansion, and I unpacked my things. It was already late, I walked out of my room and headed to the dining table for dinner, and to my surprise another man was with Logan, he was the same age as him.
"Hey! Good Evening, you must be Euphoria" the young man said and stood up
"I'm Vince, Logan's best friend, I know he would have told you so much about me!" He stretched his hands out for a shake which I gladly took.
"He has said nothing about you to me. '' I replied genuinely. I can't believe a cold-hearted person like Logan also has a best friend.
"I didn't know he had a best friend," I said while sitting down next to Logan 
"Are you also a werewolf?" I asked and he nodded
"I'm a Beta werewolf!" He said with a cut smile
"It seems Beta is the most Beautiful and handsome rank in werewolf!" I was complimented. 
"I'm flattered!" He replied.
"So you know everything about the werewolf, Logan would have told you to be careful, you need to be careful!" Vince warned.
"You don't have to worry, I can take care of myself," I said with a smile
"Did you also run away from your pack just like Logan?!" 
"Euphoria! Why are you always curious about everything?" Logan asked 
"It's not a bad thing to be curious, at least I need to know, since you made me an Omega by force" I fired back.
"You two are arguing like a couple!" Vince said after laughing
"Don't start what you can't finish Vince!" Logan told him
"Haven't you gotten over her yet, do you want to keep dwelling in the past?" Vince asked, making me lost in the conversation.
"And how do you know I haven't gotten over her, I just want to focus on getting what belongs to me and that's all" Logan answered
"Can anyone tell me what's going on here, I'm lost" I said, looking at both of them.
"It's better to be lost and be confused, just forget about this, Logan isn't in his right sense. If you get tired of him, you can steal my number from his phone and call me" Vince said to me, and I smiled
"I surely will!" 
"Then you should get ready for the death of Vince and you under my captivity!" Logan looked at me, then smiled.


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