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Rejected Mate - Quest For The Throne novel Chapter 8

I walked into the building and headed to my usual corner, I was about to sit and arrange the book people had returned when I saw Tracy rushing out from the Manager's office.
"Hey Tracy!" I greeted, and I walked up to her
"Are you being chased by a beast?" I asked as I watched her breathe heavily.
"You won't believe what I heard in there?" She finally spoke up after wasting my time.
"You know I don't like guessing, so I plead with you to just go straight to the point and then keep me in suspense" I replied.
"You won't believe that Mrs Mane has been transferred!!" I gave you shocking and exciting news.
"Are you joking with me?" I asked
"Why would I joke with something as important as this"
"She is getting her stuff packed up now, you can go see for yourself if you are still doubting me" I saw seriousness written all over her face, and I screamed out in joy.
Mrs Mane is a very harsh person, she hates to mingle and hands anything that would bring her work, she is very lazy and loves ordering people around, and now that she is been transferred, it would be a great day for us.
"Can you two keep your voice down, this is a Library" One of our colleagues yelled at us.
I won't blame her for yelling at us, she is one of Mrs Mane's hand tools, and our senior colleague
"So who is going to be the manager of this library now?" I asked.
"Can you remember a day before yesterday when you came to work, there was a woman who kept insulting you, and another lady who helped you?" She said, and I tried flashing back.
"Ohhh, the lady who called me a child, The beautiful one?" I asked
"Yes, she is the new manager, actually she came to look around here and see how things are going" Tracy explained more.
"I can't believe I got to talk to the manager, but she made a bad impression about me at first sight, that's not a good thing to remember" I frowned.
"That's how life is something"
"Wait! Tracy! Where are you eavesdropping on our conversation?" I asked, she looked at my expression before bursting out the laughter she was holding.
"Why would I? You were standing in front of everyone, and everyone would hear your conversation. I don't have time to waste on gossiping," she said. That's true, except for me, Tracy doesn't mingle with anyone, same as me.
"I will believe you"
"You should believe me in everything I say," she said.
A young man walked up to us, I hadn't seen his face before since I started working here. My mind told me he would be the secretary of the new Manager and I was right.
"Good day ladies, I'm Mr Harris, and I'm Miss Donna's secretary!"
"I'm looking for Miss Euphoria!!"
Why would he be looking for me? Miss Donna? Is that her name? And she isn't even married.
"I'm the one, is anything the problem?" I asked
"No, you are asked to give Miss Donna a tour of the library!" He replied
"She is in her office," he said and left. I stood puzzled
"Why would she ask me of all people to give her a tour?" I asked Tracy
"You came here before me, Why didn't she ask you?" I asked again
"It's better for you to get your leg going to her office than to stand her and ask me questions I don't know the answers to"
"I wish you luck!" Tracy added before leaving.
I headed straight to her office, I knocked before entering inside. She sat elegantly on her seat while going through documents.
"Good morning ma'am" I greeted and stood still.
"I'm Doona and you are Euphoria, there's no need for the pleasantries, you can just call me Doona," she said.
Does this lady here want me to lose my job, why would I call her by her name? No offense! She is my age mate but I can't bear to lose my job.
"I'm sorry, but I can't do that!" I replied
She stood up from her seat and walked up to me.
"You don't have to worry, I love your personality, I don't like formalities too, so you are free to call me Doona, you seem the same age as me," She said with a smile.
My mind drifted to what Logan had told me about new people to me, I needed to be careful and not to bring myself and Logan any harm.
"How about I call you Mrs Doona here, and if we paraventure meet outside, I can call you by your name" I smiled and she smiled too.
"I don't need much from you, I only want you to help me list out the documents you haven't taken care of"
I walked close to her seat and kept sorting out the file according to the date. I noticed she wasn't looking at what I was doing but she was staring at me, from my head to my leg.
"Is she interested in girls?" I mumbled.
I couldn't take it anymore I had to speak up
"Miss Doona! Am I smelling that bad, I can go watch up" I know I wasn't smelling but I had to say it.
"I'm sorry, but you smell different from humans," she said and that got me confused.
"I don't understand, I'm a human and everyone smells different, I use an olive cream, Maybe you are smelling it"
"I don't mean that way, you smell entirely different from humans, you smell like a creature!" I widened my eyes in surprise
"What..what..t creature" I shuttered, I stared deep into her eyes and mouth, to hear the next word she was going to say, my heart kept pounding, my secrets are now about to be revealed, Logan!!!
"You smell like…."
"A werewolf!!!"


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