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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 23

Chapter 23 

Is it possible that we’re heading in the wrong direction? Maybe the murderer isn’t a male, but a female? Or maybe it’s Stephanie Carlson?Lily told Zion her suspicion

Zion remained silent

I tried to explain to him, but it was no use. They couldn’t hear me crying or shouting

I wondered why the murderer was putting my belongings on the victims after he had killed me

First, it was my bracelet; Now, it was my earring

What the hell was that lunatic trying to do


I followed Zion to the Godrey River. It was a remote area that was some distance away from the abandoned orphanage

Obviously, the murderer had dumped the body into the river. Then, the body floated downstream and was found in such a desolate place

I stood by the river and saw that body covered in white cloth. I couldn’t help but cover my eyes in fear

Yes, even when I was dead, I was still as timid as ever

That’s Stephanie’s earring alright. The last body had Stephanie’s bracelet, and this one had her earring. What is the murderer trying to say?Phil was puzzled

Lily might be right. Maybe the murderer is Stephanie Carlson! Even if it isn’t her, she’s definitely part of it

She’s now missing, and her friends insist that she’s still alive. So maybe she pretended she was missing, but the fact is, she’s the killer or accomplice!Phil said angrily

I heard that Stephanie Carlson was in love with Michael Ford. They said she would do anything to get married to him

Perhaps she knew the murderer. So whenever the murderer kills someone, she intentionally leaves. her belongings on the victims so she could provoke Michael and Yasmin?Lily said as she walked to them

I stared at Zion helplessly and shook my head desperately. No, it wasn’t me. I did not.” 

Zion remained silent for a while, and then he said, Get an arrest warrant for Stephanie and put her 

on the wanted list.” 

The last hope I had been holding onto shattered in a blink of an eye

I sarcastically glanced at the officers who were standing before me. Then, I turned around and left helplessly

trot only I they not believe in me, but they even standered me and planned on arresting me 

I wondered if they would feel guilty for their suspletoms when they found my body

Anyway, that was not important to me anymore

No one in the world would believe in me 

to one believed that i was dead

And no one believed that Vesmin was the one who got me into this

All of them believed in Yasmin 


I went back to Hamforth Residence, where I used to stay with Mom and Dad before their accident

We might not be considered wealthy in Huma, but we were a happy middleclass family

Before I was 18, I used to imagine I was the happiest little princess who had a beautiful life with my parents and a wonderful future ahead

However, everything had been ruined

I could never go back to how things were

As I wandered on the street in despair, countless cars ran through my soul. But I couldn’t care less

I never thought that I would fall into the pit of despair after I died. I was even more desperate than I was alive because I couldn’t even end my life when I was a ghost

StephieStephie, where are you? Pleasecome back to me.” 

I heard a faint cry coming from the entrance of my old home. A thin figure was squatting at the door and kept making calls

I stood under the streetlight. My body trembled when I saw who it was

That was Rachel, My childhood friend and bestie

Rachel tried to get through my phone over and over, even though the phone was no longer reachable

Stephie, please don’t scare me. Don’t scare me,she kept murmuring

Her voice sounded hoarse after a long cry, yet she couldn’t stop repeating, Stephie, please don’t scare me. Come back to me, Stephile.” 

I squatted next to her helplessly, I wanted to hug her, but I couldn’t


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