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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 24

Chapter 24 

Zion never expected Rachel would use such a reckless plan to force him to meet her. Therefore, he was furious when he entered the coffee shop at the corner of the street

I understand you’re anxious to find your friend, but you’re using the wrong way!Zion frowned as he lectured Rachel

Then tell me what’s the right way to do it? Should I just sit and wait for you cops to solve the case? You’re taking too long

How desperate Stephie would be by now if she’s still waiting for someone to rescue her!Rachel lost. her temper and yelled at Zion

Zion didn’t seem happy as he rubbed his eyebrows

I know how you feel- ” 

You don’t know a damn thing about how I feel!Rachel interrupted Zion

Zion glanced at Rachel in silence, feeling speechless

If I didn’t report to the police that Stephie was missing, no one would’ve reported it! You cops wouldn’t even have started investigating

Stephie has lost her parents. She has no one but me! If I don’t do anything, she’llshe’ll be gone for good.Rachel’s eyes had reddened as she clenched her fists fiercely

I could tell that she must be terribly upset right now because her body wouldn’t stop trembling

Rach, please, don’t do anything recklessI begged her not to go. She should forget about me and 

live on without me

However, Rachel seemed to have made up her mind. She wouldn’t give up before she found me

Don’t take the deal, Zion. Turn her down!I cried, begging Zion not to accept Rachel’s proposal

Zion pondered for a long while. Then, he said, Sorry, but I don’t know you, nor Stephanie, I only learned from Michael and his friend that Stephanie isn’t a good person, if not vicious-” 

That’s bullshit!Rachel shouted furiously

Those people are all devils! Fucking bastards! They’ve got a lot of nerves to criticize Stephie! They’re the ones who have been hurting Stephie

Michael Ford’s a rapist! You’re a cop, aren’t you? You should arrest Michael Ford! Go arrest him now!Rachel frantically pushed Zion as she shouted in tears

Zion was a little at a loss. He probably didn’t know how to calm down a lady

When Rachel cried, I couldn’t help but cry with her

oolda’t save me nove

Zion, you’re a cop, so you shouldn’t believe that most people would tell the truth. Stephie isn’t the person they described. I can prove it to you.Perhaps she had vented enough, Rachel suddenly calmed down 

Somehow, she seemed scarier now than when she was frenzied

What do you have in mind?zion asked

Tomorrow night, I’ll wander around the alleys in a red dress. If one day isn’t enough, I’ll keep wandering for two days, three days until I lure that lunatic out

Rachel clenched her fists tight. She was so agitated that even her breath was shaky

What kind of friend is Stephanie to you? Why would you risk your life for her?Zion was a bit irritated, so he went to the smoking area for a cigarette

Rachel smiled weakly. You want to know more about Stephanie? Follow me. I’ll bring you to a place where you can understand the real her.” 

Zion remained silent and followed Rachel

I quiddy followed them

Stephanie was a top student. She always got first place in our class.” 

Rachel drove Zion to the Hamforth Residence, where I was born and raised

She knew where my house key was hidden since this place used to be our little hideout when we were 


Stephanie was beautiful. She had been the campus belle of our school.Rachel took a key out from a shoe, opened the door, and entered the house

There was a photo hanging at the entrance of the living room. It was a beautiful artistic photo of me, taken when I took part in a ballet performance when I was 18


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