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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 237


Chapter 237 

Scream if you dare,I sneered, yanking Ann’s hair and slamming her hard onto the ground

We’re in the garage now. Your parents can’t hear you cry or shoutWill you believe me if I say I’ll ruin your pretty little face?” 

Ann was terrified, her voice tre Stephany,

you out of your mind? If you hurt me, Mom and Dad won’t forgive you that easily. Don’t think that just because you’ve married a lunatic-” 

Ah!Ann suddenly screamed in pain, the rusted nail in my hand piercing the skin on her face

Have you forgotten how you treated me in high school? Huh?I questioned, feeling my blood boiling as I recalled those painful memories written in Stephany’s diary

For some reason, an uncontrollable surge of emotion boiled within me

It felt just like when my blood sugar was low

I always thought I had a hypoglycemia problem since I was a kid, but was it really just low blood sugar

Why did it feelrather exhilarating, as if I was experiencing an adrenaline rush

Shocked by my own realization, I swallowed hard and pulled Ann up

I remember you had people beat me, strip me naked, and force me to drink toilet water, didn’t you?My blood boiled again as I recalled what Stephany had written in the diary

It felt like something longsealed within me was struggling to break free

Ann stared at me in terror. Is madness contagious? Stephany, are you insane? How dare you threaten- 

Gripping her hair tighter, I landed a sharp slap across Ann’s face

With each attempt to speak, I silenced her with another slap until she dared not to utter a single sound

Oh, by the way, Ann, your Grandma Rosie misses you a lot. She’s at the Huma Hospital, so don’t forget to visit her while you still can. After allshe might not be around much longer

I sneered

Since Steven had found out that Stephany’s foster family was all Involved in human trafficking, he probably had evidence with him too

Despite them being Stephany’s foster family, I intended to take justice into my own hands and send all these people to jail. 

Because of these lowlife scumbags, many families were ruinedThey had to pay for their deeds… 

As for you, AnnSoon enough, I’ll make younationally renowned,I said to Ann with a smile

Then, I stood up, took a deep breath, and stretched my neck

Since I had taken over Stephany’s body, I should repay her by seeking revenge for her, shouldn’t I

After all, she had sacrificed her life to prevent that person from killing me and replacing me 

Although I didn’t know why I woke up in her body, since she had a conscience and didn’t want to hurt anyone, I should take care of these scumbags for herstarting with the ones, mentioned in her diary

No one would be spared

Stephany, what are you going to do- Ann simply couldn’t stop talking

Suddenly, I felt a ringing in my ears

It was irritating; so irritating that I somehow started to lose control of myself

I didn’t know how long the ringing lasted, but when I came to my senses, Ann had already been tied up with a rope. She was hanging from the beams of the garage. I did this to her

Ann cried out in terror, probably thinking that I was crazy

I was somewhat shocked myself, wondering where I found the strength to hang her up 


Noticing the round barrel table on the ground, I remembered how I had used it to pull her 

  1. up

Ann was tied up there, her mouth gagged and her skirt soaked

Though she was alive, she appeared almost frightened to death

Perhaps this experience would haunt her for the rest of her life. 

Then again, this was still nothing compared to what she had done to Stephany

According to the diary. Ann had people beat Stephany until she wet herself. While everyone laughed at her, Stephany was forced to kneel and lick the floor clean


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