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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238 

In order to satisfy their own greed, The Larsons would swallow nails if they had to, let alone aggravation

Ann looked at me in horror, shaking her head desperately

It was evident she was shocked. In facteven I was shocked too

What was I doing

As I walked out of the garage, I locked the door and saw the nanny throwing out garbage at the backyard gate

She didn’t say a word or greet me when she saw me

There’s a rat in the garage,I said nonchalantly. I put out rat poison and locked the door. You’d better not go in there today. The rat might escape. Come back tomorrow morning to see if it’s dead.” 

Got it,the nanny replied impatiently

Obviously, Stephany’s status at home was no different from that of the nanny. She was expected to do chores like a nanny too

Hence, the nanny had gotten used to treating her with such an attitude

I couldn’t help but smile

It was all their own doing

Some evil was beyond the edges of the law, beneath the line of morality

But was there really nothing to restrain such evils

Everything had its consequences, as if it had been calculated in advance by some formula

Whatever seeds were sown, the final fruits would be reaped

Thus was fate, a vicious cycle with unrelenting retribution

Leaving already 

Make sure to butter up that fool when you get home and step up your game in securing the Lincoln Group. Can’t even handle a simpleton, can you?Charles Impatiently reminded me as I was about to leave

Got It,I replied with a smile

Stephy, your sister is getting mistreated at the Lincoln Group. They’ve got her working at the construction site every day. It’s wearing her out. You need to step in and get her a better position,Nadia complained

You’re her older sister. It’s your duty to look out for her. She’s younger than you and hasn’t faced any hardship like you.” 

I raised an eyebrow and fixed Nadia with a store. Blood ties sure are overrated” 

Nadia was startled. What’s that supposed to mean?” 

Have you ever heard a saying?I smiled meaningfully, making a gun gesture with my hand. The bullet you fire will, sooner or later, end up hitting you in the back

Bang!I mimicked the sound of a gunshot and blew on my finger with a grin. 

Then, I turned away, heading for the door

Unable to understand my meaning, Nadia turned to Charles and said angrily, Charles, did 

you see her attitude? How dare she lecture me?! Where’s Annie? She’s such an angel compared to Stephany.” 

Oh, I just saw Ann leaving,I replied Nadia with a smile as I got into Ewan’s car. He had 

come to pick me up

I wondered if they would go crazy and come running to attack me when they saw their precious daughter hanging in the garage. I couldn’t wait

Mrs. Lincoln, the sir has returned home,Ewan reported as we headed back

Didn’t the doctor say he needed to stay in the hospital for a few days?I asked, glancing 

out the window

Thinking of how Stephany’s suffering had finally ended with her life, I couldn’t help but choke up

We have a family doctor with us, so everything is taken care of,Ewan assured me

Leaning against the car window, I felt a pounding headache


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