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Salute to the General novel Chapter 1417

The East, Mayberry City.

The Harbor family manor was brightly lit.

In the living room, the Harbor family Matriarch's expression was stony as she hissed furiously, "Can someone please tell me what happened!"

All around her, the rest of the Harbor family members and servants were seething in rage as well.

The Matriarch's son and also Fip's father, Noel, stepped forward.

His face was solemn when he spoke up, "Mum, I found out that the ones who injured Fip are a husband and wife pair from Channing. The husband is called Nathan Cross while the wife is Penny Smith."

The Matriarch narrowed her eyes and demanded coldly, "Tell me, why did they beat up my precious grandson?"

"Penny Smith is one of the Ten Most Inspiring Role Models of the nation. She started her business from scratch, and within two short years, Cross Group has managed to become the largest pharmaceutical company in the nation. Fip's admiration for such an entrepreneur caused him to extend an invitation to her to join the Elite Club. But not only was that woman an ingrate, but her husband had also accused Fip of flirting with her and allowed his blasted servants to cripple my poor Fip.”


The Matriarch slammed her palm down on the tea table beside her, rattling the teacups on it.

"Outrageous!" she thundered.

The other people in the room shrank back slightly. They could tell the Matriarch -nicknamed the Iron Lady - was well and truly enraged this time.

In a low tone, Noel added, "What's even more infuriating is that after they crippled him and sent him back here, they said we had to keep a tighter leash on him!"

A murderous glint appeared in the Matriarch's eyes.

"Some people think just because they've earned a little wealth, they can do as they please. Noel, take care of this matter. You need to seek justice for Fip and let everyone know the Harbor family is not to be trifled with. Especially not by some upstarts who have the slightest bit of money to their name," the old lady ordered.


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