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Salute to the General novel Chapter 1639

The most powerful person Hagen could rely on was naturally his uncle and his new father, Boris Tucker.

Unfortunately, in the same way that Cheryl didn't dare tell her father that she had gotten into trouble, he didn't want to tell Boris that he had just gotten himself in a mess.

He took the phone and glared at Nathan and Colin and the others. Then, he dialed the number for the Brimmopolis' chief of police, Timothy Carter.

Timothy was an officer that his father had single-handedly trained and nurtured to get to the high rank where he was now. Because of that, Timothy was very grateful towards Hagen's father and held him in high regard.

Timothy would be more than enough to handle a conceited piece of trash who was flaunting his wealth in Brimmopolis.

Meanwhile, Timothy had just taken care of Thaddeus and his gang, having successfully arrested them all.

He was a little shocked to receive the call from Hagen.

He accepted it and asked cheerfully, “What can I do for you, Mr. Tucker?”

“Mr. Carter, I've met with some trouble at Tiger Park. They beat up my subordinates and injured me, and now they're trying to threaten me into kneeling on the ground. Bring some people over to handle them quickly,” Hagen forced out through gritted teeth.


Someone had the gall to get on the nerves of Mr. Tucker's lawful heir!

They were clearly looking for trouble!

This is unforgivable!

“Stay there, I'll be right over,” Timothy assured Hagen.

Hanging up the phone, Timothy swiftly gathered a force of several hundred police officers and headed for Tiger Park in several hundred police cars.

It didn't take long for Timothy and his forces to surround the entire Tiger Park.

He led the group of several heavily armed officers, barging into the venue.

“Everyone, listen up! Men stand to the left and women stand to the right! If anyone moves a finger, you'll get sent right to a holding cell!”

Everyone who had been willing to pay millions to spectate an underground boxing match was obviously wealthy beyond imagination, as well as of high social standing.

Thus, most of the audience were already familiar with Timothy, and obediently stood aside as they were asked.

Only Nathan, Kylie, Colin, and Cheryl and her group remained standing where they were, as well as the kneeling Hagen and his underlings.

Timothy found Hagen within the crowd in a flash, surprise and anger overpowering his rationality. Who would be so brave as to insult Mr. Tucker?

Turning around, he spotted Cheryl and her


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