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Salute to the General novel Chapter 1821

Nathan and Penny made their way out of Sunshine Club and got into the sedan.

Colin got into the driver's seat.

The Elite Eight climbed into the two Audis behind them, and all three cars set off slowly but surely.

Penny finally let out a sigh of relief next to Nathan.

She couldn't help but turn to Nathan and say, “Tonight has been full of frightening events. To think two scions of Brimmopolis would fight it out so fiercely over a club hostess! One of them could have died!

“What were they even thinking, anyway, getting into a fight over a club hostess?”

Nathan smiled at her. “Things aren't as simple as they seem.

“Recently, Mr. Davier and Mr. Lucas have been locked in a tussle over the presidential election. While their father fights it out on the political stage, their sons are bound to engage in a little bit of fighting as well.

“Even without this incident with the club hostess, I daresay they would probably start a fight over something else in the future anyway.”

Penny looked rather stunned. “I didn't think the competition between Mr. Lucas and Mr. Davier was so fierce. Their rivalry has spilled over to their sons!”

“It isn't only their sons,” Nathan said calmly. “Everyone and every business in Brimmopolis will feel the effects of their power struggle.

“Even I won't be able to avoid it.

“Do you know why Young Mr. Lucas invited me out for drinks tonight?”

Instinctively, Penny enthused, “Because he looks up to you, and his father enjoys a good relationship with you! Isn't that why he decided to invite you to his drinking party?”

Nathan laughed at her naivety. “Mr. Lucas is Mr. Windsor's loyal subordinate. Naturally, my relationship with his family is a cordial one.

“However, Corey's reasons for inviting me to his drinking party tonight are not just because of that.

“If my suspicions are right, his father was probably the one who put him up to it.”

Penny gasped in shock. “Mr. Lucas is the most important member of the Great Cabinet, and you're the God of War!”

“If he wanted to treat you to drinks, why couldn't he have done it himself instead of sending his son as his representative?”

Nathan smiled. “Because Mr. Lucas wanted to see where my political alliances lie and wanted to get me to support him fully as the next president.”


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