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Salute to the General novel Chapter 1925

Nathan had no choice but to drag himself back to Brimmopolis in his weakened state after receiving President Woods' message.

The airport in Brimmopolis became a heavily-guarded zone, with fully-armed soldiers guarding every exit.

Will and his men from the Capital Garrison waited anxiously at the arrival area for Nathan's arrival.

He paced about while muttering to himself, “Is the Chief ever going to come?”

Meanwhile, curious onlookers and media personnel flooded the outskirts of the airport, eager to catch a glimpse of the legendary Chief Military Governor who won the war against Xyperia and settled all the territorial issues in

one fell swoop.

In addition to the victory against Xyperia, people were also awed by the fact that he managed to wipe out the anti-Eurasian Dragonslayer Special Troops, and both events made the citizens of Eurasia proud of Nathan.

As a result, they flocked to the airport at Brimmopolis to welcome Nathan, with several prominent figures joining them in an attempt to suck up to Nathan.

Unfortunately for all of them, the guards at the door blocked the entrances with their weapons and refused to let anyone into the airport.

Meanwhile, Will was moments from having a full-on panic attack when someone yelled, “Sir! He's here!”

He looked up with a start and gasped when he saw a private jet in the air that had the words “Sky One” engraved onto its side.

The jet was flanked by four fighter jets on each side, and they disappeared into the clouds the moment it was in the airport's vicinity.

Sky One came to a smooth landing on the runway, and everyone in the airport let out a welcoming roar of delight.

The door to the cabin opened, revealing a tall, stern-looking man wearing a phoenix military coat and Leviathan mask.

He descended the stairs slowly and steadily, followed by Colin, the Elite Eight, Fang, Destroyer, Heptakill and several high-ranking officers of the North Army.



A commander from the Capital Garrison gave his orders loud and clear, and the soldiers raised their hands to their heads in a smart salute. “Welcome to Brimmopolis, Chief Military Governor!”

Nathan and his men returned the salute as Will walked over to them with his subordinates.

“Welcome back, Chief Military Governor,” he said, shaking Nathan's hand with a smile. “Shall we go? The President and the Great Cabinet have been waiting for you.”


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