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Salute to the General novel Chapter 1967

Sherman finally grappled with the graveness of his mistake.

All vitality seemed to have drained out of the man's body as he slumped on his wheelchair. Dejected, the man looked at Nathan with a blank expression on his face.

So Nathan Cross is the Chief Military Governor.

He finally understood the reasons Nathan never took the Goldstein family seriously, not even his father.

It's because the man is the freaking Chief Military Governor!

The man was swirling in a myriad of conflicting emotions; filled with despondency and remorse.

Needless to say, he was kicking himself right now.

If he had known that the man standing before him was none other than the Chief Military Governor, he would not have offended the man in any way, not even if he was going to be beaten to death; not even if his father had a knife to his neck. The Goldstein family would never have the audacity to transgress Nathan so.

However, it was too late.

His limbs went cold, as did his heart.

I should have known better. Why would a Chief Military Governor appear out of thin air?Why would anybody in their right minds want to conceal their identity after being promoted to the rank of the Chief Military Governor?Why would the President trust a nobody who had not gained any traction in the military for no apparent reason, and even give his mandate for the man to lead the country's military affairs?There were only a few familiar faces among the reputable men in the military

He should have known that Nathan Cross was the Chief Military Governor!

Well, it's too damn late.

Nathan looked at Sherman and said impassively, “I've given you so many chances to live, and yet you choose to die instead.

“I wouldn't have cared if you wanted to murder me, because tons of people had the same intention, and you're nothing compared to them.

“But you should not have harbored the intention to harm my family, and you never ever should have gotten any ideas about my wife.

“Any last words?”


Sherman stumbled off his wheelchair.

Disregarding the pain emanating from his legs, he dragged along his broken legs and crawled his way over to Nathan. The man sobbed as he pleaded, “Chief Military Governor, I have realized my mistake.


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