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Salute to the General novel Chapter 1995


Freddy slammed a fist onto the table, jolting all the utensils and dishes on it.

Smoke nearly coming out of his ears, he shouted, “Who do you think you are? How dare you accuse me of serving fake wine?

“You're just a lowly guard dog, how could you have drunk such high-class wine before? I'll have someone rip your throat out if you keep spouting nonsense!”

“I don't know what sense of superiority you think you have, but you've only worked in Brimmopolis for a few years. Does that somehow give you the right to look down upon people from places other than Brimmopolis?” Nathan asked nonchalantly.

“Besides, this is fake wine. Am I not allowed to tell the truth for what it is?”

Freddy was completely enraged at this point.

He pointed a finger right at Nathan, roaring, “Which department in Channing are you from?

Did you know that I can have you fired with just a single phone call? You won't even be a guard dog anymore, you'll just be a stray!”

The corners of Nathan's mouth turned up into a casual smile. “All bark and no bite. A single phone call can get me fired, huh?

“Sure. I'll call my office right now. I'd like to see you try."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialing the number for the Headquarters of the Chief Military Governor.

Sage Tomlinson, a cadre major general and the director of the governor's office, picked up the call.

Upon recognizing the number as the Chief Military Governor's personal number, he nearly jumped out of his skin as he picked up the phone.

Hearing the 'click' of the call going through, Nathan handed the phone to Freddy straightaway. “Go on. Ask what department I work in. Try and get me fired.”

Freddy wasn't afraid. With his social standing and high position, he was fully confident that he had the power to make a lowly security guard lose his job through a single phone call.

With a cold huff, he took the phone and said “hello” to the receiver.

On the other side of the phone, Sage had a perplexed expression.

That's not the Chief Military Governors voice.

His eyebrows furrowing slightly, Sage asked, “Who is this?”

“It doesn't matter who I am,” Freddy sniffed. “I don't have the patience to talk with a receptionist. Put the highest man in the office on.

Sage felt rage flare up within him.

But he was still completely clueless as to what was going on, so he could only suppress his anger as he replied, “I'm sorry, the highest man in office is not here today. Even if he was, you have no right to talk to him directly.”

Freddy's eyes widened in mock offense. “Oh, be careful there, young man. You're going to rock the boat.

Which director in little Channing is so arrogant that he thinks my call is not worth taking?”

“You must be mistaken, sir,” Sage answered coldly. “This is the Brimmopolis department, not the Channing department. Again, who is speaking?”

The Brimmopolis department!


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