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Salute to the General novel Chapter 2212

Nathan stood on the stage, staring at Easton coldly. “Destructo and Annihilator are both your family's lackeys, Easton. They admitted that they were sent by your family to kill me. I believe you need to give me an explanation for this.”

Easton was scared, but he was also angry. He shouted, “I have no idea what you're talking about, Easton. Those men have nothing to do with me! That's a baseless accusation!”

Nathan retorted icily, “There is no point in denying, Easton. Colin, since he has decided to struggle until the very end, then show him the evidence to shut him up.

Not a moment after he said that, something started playing on the big screen in the hall. It was taken back at the hall's entrance, and everyone could hear Easton telling his lackey, “Tell Destructo and Annihilator to come here right away...

Easton had a look of horror and anger on his face after he saw that. “You sent someone to spy on me? You told them to film me in secret?”

Nathan smiled. “You're in Eurasia, remember? This is our turf, and we know everything about you, from what you do to what you speak. And now I've proven that these two men came here because you requested them to. What will you do now?”

Since denying was pointless now, Easton decided to play dirty and used diplomacy against Nathan. He sneered. “Yes, this is Eurasia indeed. I'm an Eagleland citizen, and I'm their army's general. I have a privilege here, and your laws can't do anything to me.

“Yeah, I told them to kill you, and I'll send even more fighters like that on your way. But what can you do to me? You, on the other hand, will eventually miss. And once that happens, you and your family will die a painful death.” Easton cackled.

Nathan shot him a freezing look, and he slowly went over to Easton with the full intent to kill. “Do you really think you western bustards can do anything you want on Eurasia soil? I've killed Ariarica's commander, and they couldn't do a sh*t about it. Do you really think I won't do the same to you, general?”

Easton was struck by realization, and he shivered in fear. Holy sh*t, he's right. He killed Simone back in Jetroina like he was nothing. If he wants to kill me, it'd be easier than saying 'one, two, three.' This guy is afraid of nothing.

As Nathan came closer and closer, Easton could feel the murder hanging in the air around him, and he shivered, but not from the cold. He started talking, but he stammered, “W-What d-do you w-want to d-do, Nathan? I-I'm warning you. I-I'm Eagleland's general, and I'm t-the Camden's y-young master. I-If you hurt me, m-my family and m-my nation w-will never let t-this slide!”

“Your nation?” Nathan shot back coldly. “You ditched Eurasia's citizenship to join a western country, and now you're using

them to threaten me? Do you think your threats will work on me, you traitorous b*stard? I command you, kneel!”

Nathan kicked both Easton's legs at the same time, and everyone heard a sickening crunch as Easton's legs broke from the kicks' impact.

He screeched inhumanly and wobbled before he finally groveled before Nathan.

Catherine, Simeon, and everyone else were shocked. They never expected Nathan to go on the offensive that fast, and they couldn't stop him in time.

It wasn't until after the kick did Catherine come up and calmed things down, “Please spare him, Mr. Cross.”

Simeon quickly hurried over and whispered, “General, they're here on a diplomacy mission. We should never kill a diplomat even if we're at war. If we kill Easton now, the whole world is going to pile on the pressure. You can punish him, but don't kill him.”

Nathan looked at Easton, who was still groveling in agony. “You're lucky this society values peace. It's the only reason you're spared. Since someone is asking me to let you live, then you shall escape with your life intact. But if you do something like this again, then I can't guarantee what will happen.”


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