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Salute to the General novel Chapter 2444

Jacques knew that he had not only been exposed but that the man who had come for him this time was no ordinary captor.

In a fit of rage, he flung the dagger like a dart straight toward the point between Nathan's eyebrows.

With a deft turn of his head, Nathan avoided the deadly projectile with the bare minimum amount of exertion required.

Jacques took the opportunity to escape by grabbing the windowsill. Just before he managed to jump through it, the windows facing the north and south of the living room burst open by Colin and Sage at the same time.

When he realized that escape was impossible, Jacques dove in a desperate attempt to kill himself by driving his head into the right angle of the television cabinet.

The sudden appearance of a figure before him preceded the abrupt interruption of his momentum forward. The man pretending to be a delivery courier had grabbed him by the neck.

Nathan worked briskly. He started off by dislocating Jacques’ chin with a click, followed by the same procedure on all of Jacques'joints before throwing him unceremoniously to the ground. “Once you fall into my hands, the luxury of deciding your fate is no longer yours.”

Jacques gazed at Nathan with abject terror. Despite being a super-soldier, he quailed before Nathan like an untrained civilian.

I don't even know if I'll be alive in the next five minutes. The suspense is killing me!

Nathan beckoned at Colin and Sage.

“Bring him back. At the same time, send some men to keep watch here.”

“Yes, sir.”

A sedan, eight black special forces cars, and thirty heavily armed members of the Felidae Battalion were already positioned at the ready at the entrance of the villa when the party emerged.

Several of the Felidae Battalion marched smartly toward Nathan and escorted Jacques into one of the black vehicles.

Nathan and Colin entered the sedan before issuing a command to Sage through the window. “Summon the most proficient torturers in the army to pry open Jacques' mouth in the shortest time possible. I want to know everything he knows.”

Sage saluted. “Yes, sir!”


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