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Salute to the General novel Chapter 2473

“What? Sheldon has been found out and captured by Eurasia? No. That's not possible. He's a first-generation super-soldier and is always on high alert. He could have escaped no matter what. Moreover, no one stands a chance against him except the elites in Eurasia.”

Inside an aircraft carrier, Max, the five-star General of Ariarica, was fuming in anger when he heard about Sheldon's captivity. He refused to believe what had happened since he had personally trained Sheldon.

His vice general, Taylor, replied grimly, “It's true, Admiral Max. Moreover, the reason that led to him getting caught is absurd.”

Taylor told Max how Sheldon's lover, Kendall, had tried to spite Nathan and the reason that led to Sheldon getting exposed. He told Max that Nathan even helped the Secret Service to capture Sheldon.

Max flew into a howling rage after hearing the full story.

“Nathan again? Why is it always that b*stard? I'm going to destroy him personally one day.” “I heard that Nathan has already retired and can no longer command the army. It's not worth our time and effort to deal with him,” Taylor advised.

“Admiral Max, let's focus on persuading our neighboring countries to team up and attack Eurasia instead. Let's turn the Eight-Nation Alliance to nine, ten, or even a hundred-Nation Alliance. Taking Eurasia down will be a piece of cake if everyone can work together as one.”

“You don't understand. Nathan might have retired, but he's even scarier than the mysterious Chief Military Governor of Eurasia. Moreover, Eurasia will allow Nathan to return to the army once they go into battle. He will still be our number one enemy once he returns. We have to get rid of him sooner or later.”

Max puffed on his cigar and continued, “But you're right. We need to focus on expanding our forces to take Eurasia down. Our goal is to turn the Eight-Nation Alliance to nine or even a hundred-nation alliance. By the way, how is Volk coming along? We've been trying to persuade them to join us. Did Isaiah not say anything?”

Taylor replied, “Volk is indecisive on whether they want to join the alliance or not. Isaiah is provoking the West in Eurasia while telling us he's still thinking about it. He's a sly fox.”

“He wants to play both sides and reap the biggest benefit. He just wants to scare Eurasia with the power of the alliance. He's not actually planning to join at all. But no rush. I will contact the representatives of the other seven countries sometime soon and meet up with Isaiah once again. I will force him to make a decision then. Either they become one of us and make Eurasia their enemy, or they become our enemy.”

Taylor smiled. “Volk will get our full support to go up against Eurasia if they join us. If they don't, they will become Eurasia's enemy and offend all seven countries. I think Isaiah knows what to do if he's smart.”

Meanwhile, in Channing, south of Eurasia, Nathan was on the phone with Thomas who had joined the West Army.


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