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Salute to the General novel Chapter 288

Sean Smith and his entourage shook their heads, expressing their disbelief at Nathan's shamelessness.

Penny Smith was also slightly flushed with embarrassment. She even felt like covering Nathan's mouth to stop him from boasting.

After Franklin Wilson and his wife entered the reception hall, they scanned across the room as though they were trying to spot someone.

As Nathan Cross was standing not far away from Franklin Wilson, the latter spotted him very quickly and had a look of ecstasy in his eyes.

Franklin Wilson would never have attended such business networking events, if he had not known that Nathan Cross would be present.

Just when Franklin Wilson wanted to take his wife along to greet Nathan Cross, the couple was intercepted by Shannon Russo.

The woman was dressed in a long, sequined red evening gown. She was accompanied by Leo and a few of her subordinates.

Shannon Russo's high heels click-clacked as she walked towards Franklin Wilson and his wife. With a bright smile on her face, she said, "It's really an honor to have Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson here at my party!"

Franklin Wilson, who had been interrupted by Shannon Russo on his way to greet Nathan Cross, replied coldly, "I'm really not used to attending such an event. I'm only here today because I heard that someone whom I respect very much would show up. So, I came here with my wife to greet him specially."

Everyone who heard their conversation was astounded.

Who could be the man whom Major-General Wilson has such great respect for?

Shannon Russo was also stunned by Franklin Wilson's reply. However, she quickly came to her senses and said, "The person you are referring to must be Mr. Turner. It's a pity that Mr. Turner would not be able to attend tonight's event, as he had a last-minute change of plans."

The rest of the guests suddenly saw the light after some explanation from the hostess of the party.

It would make perfect sense if Dip Turner was the one who was reverenced by Franklin Wilson.

After all, there was a saying that went around in the South,Mr. Turner was the determiner of the Southern front.

It didn't matter if one had dealings in the business or political arenas; in order to gain a foothold in the South, one had to get on Mr. Turner's good book.

However, it was still quite surprising for most that even someone like Franklin Wilson, who was a star in the military, would hold Mr. Turner in such high regard.

Franklin Wilson only responded with a slight sneer. He knew that everyone had mistaken, but he could not be bothered with any explanation to those people.

Shannon Russo said with an ingratiating smile, "As an apology for Mr. Wilson's disappointment over Mr. Turner's absence tonight, I have specially prepared a gift for you. Please accept this small token from me.


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