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Salute to the General novel Chapter 575

Joey scoffed. 'Tm a very picky person, so don't introduce those kinds of ordinary women to me."

No one dared to introduce pretty ladies to Mr. Lund anymore after they heard that.

However, one of them exclaimed, "I don't think those ordinary women can catch Mr. Lund's eye unless that woman is the goddess of Channing, Penny Smith.”

When he mentioned Penny, Joey Lund suddenly recalled that Nathan Cross and Penny Smith never joined his dinner today.

He squinted and snorted. "Is Penny Smith really that pretty?"

Someone quickly took out a phone and showed the footage of Penny getting interviewed by the Channing Television Station to Joey.

Joey was a picky person, but he had a shocked expression when he saw Penny.

He felt his heart fluttering and he suddenly had a strong desire to meet her.

Joey said slowly, "I can't believe that such a pretty lady exists! Someone fetch Ms. Smith for me."

After Joey gave his command, a plump man stepped forward and said loudly, "Mr.

Lund, I'm at your service."

The plump man was Griffin Tent, and he used to be part of the Underground in Channing.

However, he was forced to retire ever since Thomas took over the Underground.

Even though he retired, he still had several dozen subordinates, and he had always wanted to overthrow Dunn and take his place.

Unfortunately, he never had the chance to do that!

At least, the opportunity never arose until tonight.

When Joey asked who was willing to pledge their allegiance to the Lund Family, he was the first one who raised his hands.

He was the first one to volunteer as well when Joey asked someone to bring Penny to him.

Joey stared at Griffin in satisfaction. "Very well. Bring Ms. Smith to me. if you succeed in your task, you will be the new leader of the Underground after we kill Dunn tonight."

Griffin replied excitedly, "Thank so you much, Mr. Lund. I'll gather some men and invite Penny Smith here."

Joey reminded him, "Don't be too crass when you do it."

Griffin chuckled. "Understood, Mr. Lund."

Franklin Wilson never went to Brimmopolis for a meeting, instead, he played chess with Nathan for a whole afternoon in the Channing Military Camp.


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