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Salute to the General novel Chapter 891

Harold's eyes widened when he heard those words.

In the next instant, he guffawed loudly. "Hahaha! How much alcohol did you take to be this drunk? Men, get him!"

His men immediately moved to obey his order.

Suddenly, eight strongly-built men in black suits appeared out of nowhere and stood protectively in front of Nathan. They hollered, "Who would dare do anything!"

It was none other than the Elite Eight.

Harold scoffed when he saw them. "Oh, so you have some lackeys as well. No wonder you're so cocky. Take them all!"

"Yes, Sir!"

The soldiers advanced toward Nathan, Colin, and the Elite Eight without hesitation, thinking it would be easy to capture them all.

Nathan's lips twitched upward in an indulgent smile. "Colin, these men are General Ziegler's National Guards. Why don't you all test their skills?"

Immediately, Colin and the Elite Eight's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

The reason was incredibly simple.

Having achieved many great feats in the battles up north, Nathan had been dubbed the God of War.

However, not everybody was happy with this development. One of those people was the commander-in-chief of the West Army, Lucas Ziegler.

Several times, Lucas had publicly expressed his displeasure at Nathan's title, saying he wanted to have a battle with Nathan to see who was the real God of War.

Nathan did not bother to comment on this matter, not even once.

Some people reasoned that he only had public interest at heart and would not fight over something as silly as a title.

Others thought he was disdainful of Lucas and did not think him a worthy enough opponent to fight.

It did not matter what the real reason was. There was one fact that everyone in the military knew—Lucas Ziegler of the West was unconvinced of the abilities of Nathan Cross of the North.

Colin and the Elite Eight were probably Nathan's staunchest supporters in the North Army. To them, he was practically a god and they worshipped him as such.

All of them were ready to throw their lives away at a moment's notice to protect Nathan.

In their eyes, he was absolute: nobody was allowed to humiliate or insult him.

Nathan might not have minded Lucas's comments, but the Elite Eight sure as hell did.


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