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Scrambling to Be the Father of His Ex-Wife's Kid novel Chapter 1265

I pushed the plate in front of Theo and said, "You should eat more!"

After that, I took a carton of milk and started drinking it.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Theo frowned and asked me.

I shook my head and said, “I’m going to start losing weight. I must control my diet so that I can lose weight within half a month."

Although I did not really like dressing up, I was still a woman. I still minded my own figure.

Theo frowned and spoke to me with a look of dissatisfaction on his face, "You still need to eat three meals a day although you've gained weight. Otherwise, you'll only gain more weight the more you try to slim down. Breakfast is especially important. You won't gain weight if you eat more in the morning. If you really want to lose weight, I’ll accompany you out for a walk every night."

After speaking, he pushed the plate in front of me and said, "There are only two pastries here. Finish everything."

I really did not have an appetite, so I rejected his offer. "I don't feel like eating."

"Listen to me!" Theo's expression stiffened as he said, "You'll experience a rebound if you diet to lose weight. You'll become even plumper than you are right now."

Since he was so fierce, I did not dare to disregard his words anymore. I finished the pastries with a sullen expression on my face.

I was reapplying lipstick on my lips when Matthew walked over.

Theo caught sight of him as well. He lifted his brow and greeted him, "Mr. Zimmer, good morning."

Matthew felt slightly taken aback. After being momentarily stunned, he said, "Good morning, Mr. Grant.”

He then looked at me with a radiant smile on his face. "Wanda, you look prettier than you were yesterday.”

Women all loved praise. I was no exception.

"Mr. Grant, would you mind if I sit with both of you?” Matthew asked with a smile.

Although he was asking Theo about his opinion, he had already taken a seat at our table. He even called a waiter over so that he could place his order.

Theo frowned slightly. He was rather unhappy, but he did not say anything.

I glanced at him and noticed that there was something on the corner of his mouth. I grabbed a tissue and helped him to wipe his mouth.

My actions were extremely natural. It looked like I had done this countless times.

Theo was momentarily stunned. I laughed and said, "You're already all grown up. How can you still dirty your mouth while eating?”

He came to his senses and fixed a joyous gaze on me. He seemed to be in a better mood now.

I caught sight of Matthew frowning as he looked outside the window.

I just realized that I had gone overboard. It seemed like I was showing off our love in front of him.

However, I did not explain things to him. That would make it seem like I had really done it intentionally.

After having breakfast, Theo followed me to the research institute with the excuse that he needed me to look after him.

Keith sent his documents over, and he started working in my office. He used my desktop to attend his video conferences as well.

There was more work today, so I was extremely busy. Theo would ask me to pour him a cup of water or help him to send documents to other people from time to time, which made me feel terribly tired.

After coming out of the office, Krayden handed me a bottle of water. He laughed as he said, "It seems like President Grant is here to accompany his wife today."

I was momentarily stunned as my face flushed red. "You've mistaken, Krayden. His arm is injured, so it isn’t convenient for him to do many things. That's why he came over to the research institute with me."

Krayden laughed and said, "It doesn't seem that way. Haven't you realized that Mr. Grant will call you over whenever Mr. Zimmer chats with you?"

I pursed my lips without saying anything.

Krayden was right. Whenever Matthew talked to me, Theo would text me so that Matthew could not finish whatever he was about to tell me.

"It seems like you’re more tired than usual today," Krayden teased me again.

I nodded and said, "That’s right.”

I already felt extremely tired although it had not been long since the workday started.

While I was chatting with Krayden, Matthew carried a basket of fruits over.

He distributed the fruits to the other employees and came to me. "Wanda, my secretary went to the orchard to pluck some fruits. You look tired from work. You should sit down, have some fruits, and take some rest."

I was just about to speak when the phone in my pocket rang.

Krayden could not resist laughing. He held the fruit in his hands and laughed as he told me, "Ms. Lane, you need to get busy again."


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