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Scrambling to Be the Father of His Ex-Wife's Kid novel Chapter 1364

I took a deep breath and bent down closer to the man and said in a cold voice, "The man who died isn't my husband. Looks like you want to lose another finger."

I raised the knife in my hand once more after saying that.

The man broke down completely and wailed, "I'm not lying to you. I'm speaking the truth. When our car drove 300 feet or so away, several cars stopped us and took your husband away. Later, the other party called me and said that your husband was killed.”

I straightened my body, my head started spinning.

The man was a wimp who would not stop crying in pain after losing a finger.

His wailing made my head hurt even more, so I could not help but scream at him," You're too loud! Shut up!"

I said to Solomon, "I'll leave the rest to you, Mr. Cook. Did you find out about Jordan's whereabouts?"

"He went to the hotel when the plane landed and stayed there. He never stepped foot out of the hotel. As for the financial movements of the Fredericks' enterprises in Limbia, we're still investigating it, but so far, there’s nothing unusual."

I thought about it and said, "Focus on the factories under Fredericks Corporation. Check the ones that have been abandoned as well."

Solomon was stunned and asked a little curiously, "Why do you want to investigate abandoned factories?"

I could not tell him it was my intuition as a woman, right?

I pursed my lips and faintly said, "Just send someone to investigate it."

"Sure." Solomon looked at the man kneeling on the floor. "How should we deal with this man?”

"Hand him over to the police."

When Solomon took the man away, Tory looked at me with dark and inquisitive eyes. "How are you suddenly so smart?"

I sneered and mocked him back. "Shouldn’t you be happy because I’m helping a lazy person like you to save your efforts?"

"This isn't something I like to hear, Ms.

Lane. I'll surely put in 100% effort to save your husband. But why are you suddenly placing all your attention on Jordan? Don't forget that Milan is your husband's enemy.

He’s definitely involved in this matter." "At first, I did think it was Milan who planned the incident, so I asked Solomon to focus on investigating Milan. Jordan too, just not as much. But your question earlier made me think that Jordan could be the real mastermind. Milan is just a rusty knife in his hand.”

"Oh?" Tory narrowed his eyes. "On what basis?”

He was asking the obvious and wanted to tease me, but I still said, "The man said he arrived on Friday, which is the day Jordan arrived. Based on this, I have reasonable grounds to suspect him. If Milan has so many underlings who are available for use, he wouldn't be in such a sorry state now. In that case, who’s the authority who hired so many men to work for him? Isn't the answer obvious?

"Jordan won't lock Theo anywhere in the city. The only suitable place to hide someone outside the city is a factory. As long as we investigate all the factories under Fredericks Corporation, we'll definitely be able to find Theo."

Tory put away the nonchalant smile on his face and now looked at me with a hint of admiration. "It seems like I was more or less prejudiced against you before this, Ms. Lane."

I ignored him and went to the utility room to fetch a mop.

"Let me do it, Ms. Lane," the servant said with a pale complexion.


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