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Scrambling to Be the Father of His Ex-Wife's Kid novel Chapter 1440

If I had not heard what she said to Susan myself and seen how she tried to hurt

Susan with my own eyes, I might actually believe her.

I really hated people like her who liked acting so much. She twisted the truth with her acting while concealing her hideous true self. I felt utterly disgusted.

I refused to believe that I was not capable of ripping off this woman's hypocritical mask today.

"I'll give you one last chance, Sara. Tell us how you fell into the water, how you forced Susan to take her child and leave, what you called the child, what you said about the child, and how you snatched her black card. Otherwise, you won't go one step nearer to Tyler from now on."

"Can you stop framing me, Ms. Lane? I didn't do anything." Sara wailed.

She was constantly wailing, and it had made Tyler irritable. He looked at me and said, "That's enough. This ends here. If the card is lost, then go look for it. It wouldn’t have gotten lost outside anyway. We'll find it. It's getting late. You should go back and rest."

He made me so angry that I nearly got a heart attack. The servant happened to be bringing soup inside. I could not suppress the anger inside of me any longer and snatched the bowl from her hand. I smashed it on the floor while roaring furiously. "Sara! Are you sure you're not going to tell everybody?”

I had not been so angry for almost two years. Theo was stunned for a moment before quickly wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He gently calmed me down." Getting angry won't do you any good. Can you please calm down?"

Tyler was equally surprised. He did not expect me to be so angry.

He looked at Sara and asked with a sullen expression, "Is there nothing you want to say?"

Sara put on an aggrieved expression and shook her head at him with red, swollen eyes. She looked extremely pitiable. "I didn't do anything. I know nothing about what she just said. Maybe Ms. Lane just doesn't like me, so in order for us to not be together, she's trying to keep me away from you. That's why she's framing me like this.”

She looked at me and continued, "I've never offended you, Ms. Lane. If you're trying to seek justice for Susan and establish a righteous and brave image for yourself, then I'll do as you say. I'll admit everything you want me to admit. If you think that I'm marrying Tyler for his money, then I'll leave him and have nothing more to do with him from now on. You're the noble lady, after all. What can I do if you insist on accusing me other than to meekly admit it?"

I had met plenty of disgusting people so far, but none surpassed Sara.

I was just about to start yelling when Susan finally broke her silence. She looked calmly at Sara and said, "You don’t have to go to this extent, Sara. You're just trying to win Tyler's sympathy so he'll pity you, aren’t you? Your goal has been achieved. You can stop now.

"Tyler may seem unreasonable, but he has a soft heart. The minute you cry, he'll give you everything you want. You have to thank Wanda for that. She cried very often when she was young, and Tyler would become soft-hearted every time she cried. He would try to think of ways to give her what she wanted. When Wanda grew up, she hardly ever cried anymore. But for Tyler, she'll always be the sister who needs his protection and warmth. That's why he gets soft-hearted easily in front of women who cry all the time.

"But I hope you understand that you're far less important to Tyler than Wanda. His love for Wanda is something you can never replace. He only grants you your requests when you cry because he misses the sister who used to depend on him. To put it bluntly, you’re just Wanda's shadow. If you insist on having Tyler choose between the two of you, then you'll definitely be the one he abandons. If you continue to make a scene and cause Wanda to dislike him and even refuse to entertain him anymore, you'll definitely end badly."

Her words left Sara stunned.

Susan looked indifferently at her. "My advice for you is that if you want to pull disgusting tricks like that, then know when to stop. Have you not heard of the saying ' quit while you’re ahead'? I won’t explain it because I don't think it's necessary. I don't want to compete with you for anything, nor lower myself. But you misunderstood me and think that I’m afraid of you and can't do anything to you. It's really quite ridiculous. I wonder how a low-class woman like you is so confident to think that you can control Tyler."


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