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Scrambling to Be the Father of His Ex-Wife's Kid novel Chapter 1646

"Don't worry, our children's area is absolutely safe. He won't get hurt inside.”

Such a guarantee made me even angrier. Even the people in charge of big open playgrounds would not guarantee that the playgrounds were foolproof as they would be afraid of taking responsibility if something were to happen.

However, a tiny Science and Technology Museum that was so closed off that parents could not even see anything inside dared to make such a statement

"You seem to be too confident. How do I know it's safe inside when the science and technology building is sealed off?”

I said as I took a step forward, but the staff immediately blocked me without touching


"Don't worry, Ma’am. Those buildings are just built out of styrofoam. The reason why it’s completely enclosed is that there’s a light show inside."

"Light show?" I was confused, yet I could not help but keep my guard up.

"I have an emergency, so I need you to quickly bring my child out. It's my son, and he’s about this tall." I gestured with my hand.

"Please bring my child to me within two minutes.”

I did not allow them to make any excuses with my stern expression.

I thought that I had made my point, but I did not expect the staff member to try to stop me again.

"But Ma'am, the light show is just starting. Why don't you-"

"Mommy." Just as she was talking, Munchkin passed by the doorway and saw me. Then, he shouted while running toward me.

My heart was finally at peace.

"Munchkin, how could you run off inside on your own without telling me?"


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