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Scrambling to Be the Father of His Ex-Wife's Kid novel Chapter 485

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What happened back then?" "Stop pretending!" She pointed at my nose angrily. " Nancy and Matthew who were both present there at the time are both dead. I have no reason to expose scandals like that to ruin my own reputation, so that leaves you."

She grew more and more agitated as she spoke. She then picked up another cup from the coffee table to hurl it at me.

There was no way I could dodge the cup from such a close distance. It would be no small matter if the ceramic cup smashed my head, so I quickly raised my arms to shield my face.

The pain I anticipated did not come. I slowly opened m y eyes and saw a tall and straight back in front of me.

Theo stood in front of me. The cup had hit his chest before falling to the floor and shattering.

I rushed up to him and asked anxiously, "Are you hurt?"

He shook his head and pushed me behind him again. He looked at Quinn and asked in a cold voice, "What's going on?" "Ask her!" Quinn was so angry that she screamed

herself hoarse. "No matter what, I’m still your cousin. She has to treat me with some respect even if she's your wife. Why would you keep a woman like that?"

Theo's face grew sullen. "I want to know what's going o n. Why did you throw a cup at her face? I don't want to hear your nonsense.”

"I merely threw a cup at her face but the things she did have completely wrecked my reputation!”

She grew emotional again. Theo frowned and turned around to ask me, "What exactly is going on?”

I shook my head helplessly. "I'm not sure either."

"Stop pretending!” Quinn raised her voice. "The reason why I married Matthew was written in the news report. It was also written that I told Nancy the truth before she committed suicide. You're the only one aside from me who knows these things. Who else would've done this if not you?"

I did know these things but I did not expose it to the media nor mentioned it to anyone before-not even Theo.


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