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The Pampering CEO: Don't Mess With My Secretly-Married Sweet Wife novel Chapter 109

"What the hell are you talking about? You and Susan aren’t that close, so how are there any chances for her t o get near your draft?” Chance refuted.

"Maybe she stole it from me when I wasn't aware. Who knows how or when she did it." Lily said

nonchalantly, "But the thing is my draft was stolen."

Sheldon glanced around coldly as a smirk hopped onto the tip of his lips. He said, "Owing to the fact that Susan Shelby copied from another, I'll now announce that she has been disqualified from entering the preliminary round. Do you have any objections?”

Other than Chance, the rest of the people nodded in assent.

"That’s right! A cheater is a cheater. She should be punished.”

"I can't believe she dares to cheat in a competition, not to mention she's brazen enough to steal the idea from her own colleague! There can be no appeasement for such dishonesty. We must warn others in the industry so that nobody will hire her!"

"Yes! We must do that! She's a disgrace to us designers!"

The crowd stood away from Susan as murmurs began t o spread out.

"Hey, can we stop being judgemental here? We still don't know who actually stole her draft,” Chance defended.

However, much to his chagrin, nobody was listening t o him. Instead, everyone was watching Susan contemptuously as if she was the real culprit.

Frankly speaking, the truth mattered nothing to all of these people. They were doing this because they wanted to banish Susan out of the competition so that they would stand a better chance of winning.

Besides, Sheldon was also another factor. He had already made his stand. If they sided with him, they could gain his favor which not only would greatly help them in the competition, but in their career as well.

"You..." Just when Chance was about to say something, he felt a tug on his arm.

He turned around and saw Susan. Frowning, he asked, "Susie?"

She seemed to be calmer than he expected. As he watched on in awe, she walked up to Sheldon and Lily. Pulling her face, she asked, "What is the meaning of this? Are you two trying to get back at me?"

"What do you mean get back at you? I don't know what you’re talking about,” Lily brushed off her claim with a grin.

Sheldon was calm as well. "Susan, you’re talented, I'll give you that, but you've used your talent in the wrong way. I hope you can learn from your mistakes from this incident and try to come up with something that truly belongs to you next time."

He wore a serious expression and looked just like a considerate senior giving advice to his junior.

However, had Susan not bumped into the thing between him and Lily, she would have fallen for his appearance like everyone else did. She took a deep breath to calm herself down. Then, staring straight at Sheldon, she said, "Why are you doing this to me, Mr. Parsons? What’s in it for you for destroying me?"

After all, considering Sheldon's authoritativeness in the industry, everyone would choose to believe him. When that happened, it was no different from destroying her.


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